Modal verbs Составил: учитель английского языка


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Presentation transcript:

Modal verbs Составил: учитель английского языка Сисинкова Ирина Валерьевна для учащихся 4 класса

earstomachachetoothachelegheada chethroatoculistthroatmustshould Divide into words earstomachachetoothachelegheada chethroatoculistthroatmustshould

Modal verbs 1. Must  [mʌst] 2. Should [ʃʊd] следует ? должен

Theme: Modal verbs 1. Must  [mʌst] -должен 2. Should [ʃʊd]- следует

SHOULD / MUST 1.She must stay in bed if she has the flu. 2.If you have got a toothache, you must visit a dentist. 3. You should drink tea with lemon. 4. You must not take any vitamins without doctor’s advice. 5.You should take vitamins. 6.You must consult an oculist if you have a sore eyes. 7. If you have got an earache you must visit an ent. 8. You should not drink cold water

Физминутка 'Head and shoulders'

Rules of healthy way of life Should/ Should not Must / Must not Example: You should drink milk Eat/ drink / wear /take /walk /consult/run Vegetables/ tea with lemon/ warm clothes/ medicines/ a doctor/fruit / orange/tomato / juice/ junk(вредная) food / burgers/

Reflexion You ______ drink hot tea. You _______take vitamins 3. You______ not eat junk food 4. You ______consult a veterinarian if your cat fall ill 5. Your mother fell ill, you ______buy medicines 6. He is ill, he______ stay in bed

You should not drink hot tea. You should take vitamins 3. You should not eat junk food 4. You must consult a veterinarian if your cat fall ill 5. Your mother fell ill, you must buy medicines 6. He is ill, he must stay in bed

Home task 1) Make up 7 sentences (should) Make up 7 sentences (should) OR 2) My family’s rules of healthy way of life

Thank you for your attention

Surgeon Ent (ear-nose-throat) Oculist Junk food Vegetables Advice Medicine Plaster Dentist Healthy