What ways do you know of to prevent the spread of infectious diseases?


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Presentation transcript:

What ways do you know of to prevent the spread of infectious diseases? Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body Journal - 3/1/16 What ways do you know of to prevent the spread of infectious diseases? This can be answered by listing. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body Objectives Describe the difference between infectious and noninfectious diseases. Describe how the human body fights diseases. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body Journal What are some ways the human body protects itself against disease? Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body Disease What Is Disease? A disease is any harmful change in the health of your body or mind. What Is a Pathogen? A pathogen is anything, especially a virus or microorganism, that causes disease. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases What Is an Infectious Disease? An infectious disease is any disease that is caused by pathogens that invade the body. What Is a Noninfectious Disease? A noninfectious disease is a disease that is not caused by a pathogen. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

Defenses Against Disease Chapter 10 Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body Defenses Against Disease Your body’s first lines of defense against infectious diseases include the following: 1. Skin 2. Mucous membranes 3. Sweat, saliva, and tears 4. Stomach acid 5. Helpful microorganisms Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

Chapter 10 The Immune System Lesson 1 Disease and Your Body The Immune System What Makes Up Your Immune System? The tissues, organs, and cells that fight pathogens make up your immune system. Your immune system consists of white blood cells and several organs, such as the spleen. White Blood Cells White Blood Cells seek out and destroy pathogens. Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"

“The greatest wealth is health.” Quote of the Day “The greatest wealth is health.” —Virgil Header – dark yellow 24 points Arial Bold Body text – white 20 points Arial Bold, dark yellow highlights Bullets – dark yellow Copyright – white 12 points Arial Size: Height: 7.52" Width: 10.02" Scale: 70% Position on slide: Horizontal - 0" Vertical - 0"