Cooperator = a project of spiritual life Cooperator = a vocation Cooperator = a project of spiritual life Jesus calls (come and see) by means of Don Bosco's life Here I am, Lord!
life FORMATION reflection prayer discernment
of the Christian vocation of the lay faithful for the CHURCH " the WORLD " the environment the means of the Christian vocation of the lay faithful
the ECCLESIAL CONDITION of the lay faithful is radically defined by their CHRISTIAN NOVELTY and characterised by their SECULAR CHARACTER
"Do you want to do something good?" Then educate young people Don Bosco's mission required many lay tasks tied above all to the education of ordinary young people for the improvement of society "Do you want to do something good?" he said to the Cooperators Then educate young people Do you want to do something holy? Educate the young Something especially holy? Educate the young Something divine? Educate the young Indeed (as the Fathers said): this is amongst those thing divine, most divine.
SALESIAN SPIRITUALITY of the Salesian Cooperator Christian animation of wordly tasks “social liberation” “daily” “professionally done” apostolate
Witness and apostolic tasks: In family In marriage In the work and ordinary environment In the social reality In Salesian works (oratory, youth centre, school...)