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And God Said"Go!" 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive.

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Presentation on theme: "And God Said"Go!" 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive."— Presentation transcript:

1 And God Said"Go!" 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

2 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

3 Do you understand this imperative as a command for the Church?
Do you believe Jesus expects all Christians to obey this command? Do you believe mission is the essential task of the Church? 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

4 What is a missional church?
One that believes it is sent by God into the world to bear witness to Jesus. (Jn. 20:21) One that orders its life to be God’s ambassadors. (Staff, budget, time, etc.) One that takes the ministry of Jesus as its model. (Teaching, preaching, healing – Mt. 9:35) 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

5 Local congregation = mission outpost
Every member a missionary (Crossing barriers with the Gospel) Discerning how to contextualize the Gospel 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

6 Keys to being a missional church
#1 Prayer The beginning of change Regular, faithful, fervent For others (world) With a sense of urgency 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

7 #2 Education Preach and teach (Church School, mission speaker, mission highlight, bulletin board, newsletter, bulletin, etc.) Mission Committee (and Session) – Study, organize, and learn from other churches Youth and Children 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

8 #3 Get Involved Look for mission opportunities
Local – special needs of poor, disenfranchised, youth, college, etc. International – students, immigrants, other countries Take new initiatives (or expand) The whole Gospel 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

9 Hands on – with people and money
Volunteers with local mission agencies Send people on mission trips nationally and internationally Develop partnerships Personalize giving 9/17/2018 Spirit Alive

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