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Presentation transcript:

What do you see?

Tara Lovejoy: tara.lovejoy@chichester.ac.uk Enterprise Bite Size Session 3: Developing business ideas using creative thinking Tara Lovejoy: tara.lovejoy@chichester.ac.uk

The Course 10 weeks, every Friday 12:30 to 1:30pm with 1 hour after for 1:1 mentoring If you would like to obtain a qualification, there may be possibility to achieve: Level 1 Award in Exploring Enterprise Skills, or Level 2 NCFE Award/Certificate in Developing Enterprise Skills

Today What is the difference between a product and service? How can I think creatively? What is the difference between ‘creativity’ and ‘innovation’? How can I analyse if my idea is a good one? What is the next step?

Product or Service What is the difference between a product and a service?

What would you like to do? You may want to run your own business, be your own boss, or earn some extra income What enterprise ideas do you have? Will you be providing products or services, or both? If you are unsure about your enterprise project, work on the challenge activity provided

The Idea There are a number of ways entrepreneurs come up with ideas, mostly through their own experience: Identifying a gap in the market Using products/services in a different way Creating new technologies Hobbies and interests There are no bad ideas!.

The Idea Consider these products: Amstrad founder, Sir Alan Sugar making computers affordable Apple co-founder Steve Jobs with technological products in telecoms and IT The Black Farmer founder Wilfred Emmanuel Jones, with gluten free products and Kettle Chips The Body Shop founder Dame Anita Roddick introducing ethical shopping

What is Creativity & Innovation? Having the ability to produce something new through imaginative skill Generating and recognising ideas Innovation: Bringing ideas to life Finding new solutions to existing problems Being first of a kind Forming change.

Creativity & Innovation

Creative Thinking Taking your ideas from earlier in the session, use one of the creative thinking techniques to identify why customers will buy your products/services Boardstorming (aka brainstorming) Mind mapping Dream incubation

Innovation & Customers In pairs, review your results: How is it creative or innovative? Who is your target market? What are your customer demands and needs? What products and services will you offer and its potential develop and diversify? What is the ‘niche’ – what makes your business stand out from the crowd

your burning questions

SWOT Analysis A good tool to use when analysing yourself and your business idea Complete one for you and your business SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

How to - Creative Thinking Ideas Write thoughts in journal Question everything – be curious Draw diagrams in colours Jot down poems Write down dreams

What have we learnt today? How did we answer today’s questions?

Mission - Core Values - Ethics Homework Research some businesses with strong ethics, core values and ethics such as: LUSH, Body Shop, Primark, Oxfam, Virgin Next session we will be covering: Mission - Core Values - Ethics

The End