Customer Services Web Data entry principles and instructions Based on compliments but can be applied to concerns and enquiries
Where to find Customer Services Web From internet explorer click on ‘favourites’ Then choose ‘LPT eIRF incident reporting and risk’ – also known as Safeguard Once logged in, using your regular log in details, click ‘Menu’ from the top left corner Then choose the form you need from the list: Compliment Concern Enquiry/comment
Details of the person giving positive feedback Remember your data entry rules: Be accurate and don’t enter the same compliment more than once Enter as much information as you can This information will be merged into a live database, completeness is key!
On behalf of This will always be the patient, unless the patient is detailed in the first screen. If the patient is detailed in the first screen leave this section blank. Again, be specific, and ensure data quality
Details of the feedback The case type is set for you. If this isn’t a compliment, for instance, use another form. Choose from the drop down whether this feedback has been made verbally or in writing Enter the correct date it was received
Details of the feedback cont’d … The orange box is mandatory – enter the details of the compliment. If it’s too long, summarise it, scan the original and attach it as a pdf file. Please do not enter identifiable names in this section, but rather use terms like patient, nurse, consultant, etc. This is so that this information can be copied into reports and sent to governance committees etc. If items of monetary value have been received, these also need reporting on the Trust Gift Register.
There’s an extra box in the concerns and enquires/comments forms This is your chance to show how you have avoided a formal complaint and resolved the issue locally to the satisfaction of the enquirer This is also your chance to show how you have used your initiative and conflict resolution skills
Categorise the feedback Choose from both drop down lists, e.g. Type = Clinical, Category = Patient Safety This helps us identify themes and trends throughout the Trust. Identify the most appropriate and not just the easiest.
Where in the organisation? Please choose from the drop down lists both site and department, e.g. Hinckley and Bosworth Hospital is the site and District Nurses Ward 10 is the Department If you want a list of all the compliments for your team, this is how we will find them. Again, the boxes are orange, so you won’t be able to move on until you’ve picked from the choices.
Persons involved This means names of members of staff If you want to know how many compliments you received personally, for your appraisal for instance, you need to ensure you are named in this section and put the reason why. Just click on the buttons and choices will come up.
Attach a document You can add the original written document to this section as a pdf file. Other file types may not open properly. This is useful if there is too much information to type into the system. Just click ‘add attachments’ and follow the instructions.
Save and close The save and close button is at the top of the screen Once you have clicked the save and close button a unique case number will be generated. You may wish to make a note of this so that you can refer to it later. If you need reports showing your cases for a particular period, please contact the PALS Team on and they will produce an excel spreadsheet and send it to you by email