Reading a vernier caliper Use only the bottom, metric scale (not the British scale on top) main scale vernier scale
First read the main scale The reading is between 2.2 and 2.3 cm i.e. 2.2 cm
Next read the vernier scale Find a line on the vernier (lower) scale that exactly lines up with a line on the main (upper scale).
Note that the vernier scale starts at zero. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 5 Note that the vernier scale starts at zero. The tenth line also doesn’t get used since that would simply take us to the next mark on the main scale.
The 7th line on the vernier scale lines up with the line above it on the main scale The reading is 2.27 cm
Practice Exercises Try these on your own, then click for the answer
Answer: 1.11 cm
Answer: 2.06 cm
Answer: 1.17 cm
Answer: 1.44 cm
Answer: 1.96 cm
Answer: 1.38 cm