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Presentation transcript:



This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.


1. When was the last time when you participated. 2 1. When was the last time when you participated? 2. Why you were doing this? 3. How did you feel?

LET’S DISCUSS How does your organisation define youth? (age limit or other criteria) Who are the young people you work with? How is “youth participation” understood in your organisation / institution? (How do you know this? Is there an agreed definition/approach or rather your own assumption and perception?) What does your organisation want to achieve in the area of youth participation?

AREAS of youth participation economic participation employment and work in general, to economic development, eliminating poverty, building a stable economic situation in a society, a region or for young people as a group; political participation authorities and governments, public policies, exercising power, the influence on the distribution of resources at different levels; social participation involvement in the life of a local community, addressing local problems and challenges cultural participation different forms of art and expression (visual arts, music, film, dance, etc.) /The United Nations/

Number of young people in Latvia (13-25)  Number of young people in Latvia (13-25)

68% vs 2% Participate in political activities Don‘t believe in possibilities to influence political decisions Participate in political activities

Whom young people trust? Don’t trust Whom young people trust? Latvian Army Youth organisations European Union Police Church Local municipality State institutions Non-governmental organisations President Prime Minister Parliament Political parties Parliament

Motivation Competences Opportunities conditions for participation willingness to take an active role in the community life knowledge, skills and attitudes to participate and take decisions power to make decisions and resources available Opportunities


Youth participation is the right of young people to be included and to assume duties and responsibilities in daily life at local level as well as the right to influence the processes of their lives democratically /Council of Europe/

Participation is about having influence on and responsibility for decisions and actions that have impact on lives of young people or are simply important to them. /Manual ‘Have your say!’/

Participation is a long-term process where young people gain participation experience, develop capacity to participate and their motivation to participate further is growing /European Commision/

Self-directed participation Youth initiate, take and implement decisions Equal participation Youth & adults initiate and share decision-making Youth is consulted, adults take final decision Advisory participation Youth is informed about decision and its making process Manipulative participation Non participation Youth is told what to do!


1. What methods are used in your organisation for youth participation 1. What methods are used in your organisation for youth participation? 2. What are the main criteria for a good method?

Coffee with Politicians meeting between young people and decision makers

Ice cream with politicians meeting between children and decision makers

Coffee with Politicians is a method that aims to promote dialogue between young people and decision makers What?

Why? To let young people meet with politicians To discuss important topics and create common visions To involve young people in dialogue about future of their local, regional and national community To make decision makers understand that young people are important resource Why?

2. Invitation: a possibility for everyone to participate 1. Topics and questions 2. Invitation: a possibility for everyone to participate 3. Youth friendly atmosphere informal and participatory environment and 4. Moderation 5. Follow-up How?

The beginning

Over 100 Coffees with Politicians have been organised in Latvia since 2008 Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia Used as a method for implementation of Structured Dialogue discussions in Latvia Acknowledged and shared as a good practice in EU Youth Conference in Luxembourg 2015 Achievements

Questions? Why youth participation numbers are so low? How / in which way young people should be involved? What questions / issues young people should be participating in? What local authorities should do to promote youth participation? Is participation of all young people possible? How? Questions?

1. How do you know that method / activity had an impact. 2 1. How do you know that method / activity had an impact? 2. Give an example from your organisation when method / activity had an impact?

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The site which is home to 1000 inhabitants, can be affected by 1 person 44

1. Is it possible to use «Coffee with politicians» method in your reality? 2. What should be changed / addapted?

What I am taking with me from today?