Saponin Glycosides.


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Presentation transcript:

Saponin Glycosides

Saponins glycoside Saponins are glycoside compounds often referred to as a ‘natural detergent’ because of their foamy texture. They get their name from the soap wort plant (Saponaria), the root of which was used historically as a soap (Latin sapo—soap). Froth formation when shaken with water. The other properties are hemolytic activity, sneezing effect, toxicity, complex formation with cholesterol and antibiotic properties.

Saponin Glycosides Types: Aglycone may be of two types; Steroidal Tri terpenoidal

Glycyrrhiza Botanical origin: Family: Part used: Collection: Glycyrrhiza glabra Family: leguminosae Part used: Dried rhizome and root Collection: Root and rhizome is excised from 3-4 years old plant i.e. which have not yet grown fruit. It is done to ensure maximum sweetness. These are dried in shade for 3-4 months.

Chemistry: Glycyrrhiza contains Glycyrrhizic acid (Glycyrrhizin) Upon hydrolysis, it produces; Glycyrrhetic acid 2 molecules of glucuronic acid In addition to this, it contains; Flavonoid glycosides Mannitol Glucose 20% starch

Uses: Flavoring agent in Pharmaceutical preparation. Demulcent and expectorant. Treatment of peptic ulcer. Treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis and Inflammatory conditions Sweetener Treatment of liver diseases and liver protection Precursors of cortisone hormones

b) Sarsaparilla Botanical Origin: Family: Part used: Collection: Smilax febrifuga Smilax regelii Family: Liliaceae Part used: Dried root Collection: Root collected from 2-3 year old plant and sun dried.

Chemistry: Uses: Active ingredient is Sarsaponin Upon hydrolysis, it produces; Sarsapogenin 3 D-glucose 1 L-rhamnose Uses: Flavoring agent Used in skin diseases Used in rheumatism

Cyanophore Glycosides Upon hydrolysis these glycosides produce “Hydrocyanic acid” i.e. HCN

Wild cherry Botanical origin: Family: Part used: Collection: Prunus serotina Family: Rosaceae Part used: Dried bark Collection: Bark is collected in autumn and sun dried. Drug is almost odorless when dried but attains strong odor of benzaldehyde after moisturizing.

Chemistry: Uses: Active principle is Prunasin. It is formed from partial hydrolysis of amygdalin. In addition to this, it contains; Tannins Volatile oil Benzoic acid Uses: Astringent Sedative Flavoring agent Anti-tussive
