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Presentation transcript:

EUROPEAN ALARA NETWORK 6th WORKSHOP EAN RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION FORUM Carmen Álvarez Manuel Rodríguez Nuclear Safety Council Madrid (Spain) October 2002

RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION FORUM The Nuclear Safety Council has established a permanent Forum concerning Radiological Protection in the Medical Field, to favour the comunication between regulators and stakeholders.

The Forum holds three components: Nuclear Safety Council FORUM COMPONENTS The Forum holds three components: Nuclear Safety Council Radiological Protection Association Medical Physics Association -. -.

MISSION To encourage dialogue in order to improve both Safety and Radiological Protection of Medical Radioactive Facilities To improve the effectiveness of the operations in Medical Radioactive Facilities

The Forum functions through: Forum Committee Ad-hoc Working Groups STRUCTURE The Forum functions through: Forum Committee Ad-hoc Working Groups

Permanent Members : CSN R P Technical Director FORUM COMMITTEE Permanent Members : CSN R P Technical Director Occupational R P Manager Environmental R P Manager Four Area Heads

Permanent Members : Associations The two Presidents FORUM COMMITTEE Permanent Members : Associations The two Presidents Three representants of each of them One of them is the secretary of the Forum

President of one of the two FORUM COMMITTEE HEAD CSN: R P Technical Director ASSOCIATIONS: President of one of the two -

Their composition depends on the issue they deal with WORKING GROUPS Their composition depends on the issue they deal with The length of time during which the group is active depends on the job it develops

Co-ordination of common interest issues Exchange of information FORUM ACTIVITY Set up of working groups dealing with issues in the Radiological Protection field applied to the Medical Radioactive facilities Co-ordination of common interest issues Exchange of information

Topic of working groups : FORUM ACTIVITY Topic of working groups : Practical aplication of reglamentation and regulatory conditions Analysis of new standards, requirements and recommendations Identification of needs for new standards to be applied in radioactive facilities, technical assistance services and sellers

The Forum Committee meets four times a year FORUM ACTIVITY The Forum Committee meets four times a year The CSN helps the members of the Committee with the costs

R P in Pregnant workers exposed to ionising radiation WORKING MATTERS R P in Pregnant workers exposed to ionising radiation General R P Manual in accordance with the Directive 96/29/EURATOM translated to Spanish Regulations Radioactive effluents discharge criteria Management of solid radioactive waste

Licensing of new facilities and Modifications of operating facilities WORKING MATTERS Licensing of new facilities and Modifications of operating facilities Metrology in Brachytherapy Supervisor and Operation’s Licenses Metabolic Therapy

Development of Reglamentation concerning workers of external companies WORKING MATTERS Internal Dosimetry Area Dosimetry Development of Reglamentation concerning workers of external companies Continuous training

Radiological Protection Services in Hospitals Medical surveillance WORKING MATTERS Radiological Protection Services in Hospitals Medical surveillance

FORUM DOCUMENTS Radiological Protection in Pregnant workers exposed to ionising radiation The objective is to establish the work conditions of pregnant women in order to limit the maximum doses over the fetus to 1 mSv during the remainder of pregnancy

The document establishes: FORUM DOCUMENTS The document establishes: 2 mSv over the abdomen can produce 1 mSv over the fetus Working places where pregnant workers mustn’t developed their professional activity Elaborates several reduced documents adressed to women and physicians

General Radiological Protection Manual FORUM DOCUMENTS General Radiological Protection Manual The new reglamentation establishes that R P Services and Units, must elaborate a Manual The Forum has established the general frame of the Manual in order to help users The Manual is already available, and about to be published

Management of solid radioactive waste FORUM DOCUMENTS Management of solid radioactive waste CSN has established a guide concerning solid waste management produced in radioactive facilities. The guide includes the values of the IAEA-TECDOC-1000 document to choose the waste evacuation way.

Management of solid radioactive waste FORUM DOCUMENTS Management of solid radioactive waste The guide was published early 2002 The Forum accepted the guide and encouraged a new legal text Legal standard on this issue will be published end 2002

Licensing and Modification of facilities FORUM DOCUMENTS Licensing and Modification of facilities CSN has produced a document concerning the application of the new Reglamentation The CSN presented the conclusion to the Forum Committee It is an internal document to apply our Reglementation

Radioactive effluents discharge criteria FORUM DOCUMENTS Radioactive effluents discharge criteria The Directive 96/29/EURATOM included in our Reglamentation, doesn’t contain the value for ALI The Forum document includes: The ALI values

Radioactive effluents discharge criteria FORUM DOCUMENTS Radioactive effluents discharge criteria A new condition for radioactive facilities with the total activity that each facility can discharge to the water net in a year (specifically for H-3, C-14 and the rest of radionuclides), and the maximum activity concentration for each discharge for people over 17

NEW WORKING GROUPS The Forum Committee has established two new working groups whose topics are: Internal Dosimetry Area Dosimetry OBJECTIVE: To prepare two documents including the criteria for internal doses surveillance and to assign the worker’s doses from area monitoring

FORUM ACTIVITY APPRECIATION The Forum has been operating 2 years Its work has been very positive The Forum activity has favoured Safety Culture through the quality of its technical work