r ma t f i I d S u n p a e m ( s ) o P C g y h c A IN-PROGRESS REVIEW Dominant Maneuver Precision Engagement Full-Dimensional Protection Focused Logistics Peacetime Engagement Deterrence & Conflict Prevention Fight & Win WAR ARCHITECTURAL SPECTRUM PROCESSES BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT PEACETIME TRANSITION TO WAR CRISIS MOOTW ASD (NII)/DoD CIO Full Spectrum Dominance Combatant Commands J Staffs DARS 20 Mar 07
PURPOSE Program Provide management and technical assistance to support priority missions and activities of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (OASD[NII]/DoD CIO) to oversee continued development of the Global Information Grid (GIG) and GIG capabilities. In addition, provide management and technical approach support designed to coordinate, integrate, and unify activities of all contractors supporting OASD(NII)/DoD CIO. IPR Review and report on the status of our contract support efforts, both current and projected (next 30-60 days).
CONTRACT DATA Task Order (TO): 0237, RTEP No. CR-1448 Award: 29 Aug 06 Period of Performance: 29 Aug 06 – 28 Aug 08 Current Ceiling: $25.55M
Team LM Lockheed Martin Enterprise Solutions and Services (formerly LMIT) Lockheed Martin Mission Services Automation Technologies, Inc. Booz|Allen|Hamilton Computer Sciences Corporation Engineering Management and Integration, Inc. FOWGroup, Inc. Houston Associates, Inc. Silver Bullet Solutions, Inc.
REALIGN POLICY Develop a Policy Framework Accomplishments: Completed high-level ASD(NII)/DoD CIO roles and responsibilities analysis (DoDD 51.44.1, DoDD 8000.1, DoD 8115 series, DoD 5000 series, DoD 7045 series, and CJCS 3170 series). Began policy analysis to determine necessity and sufficiency of GIG policy based on draft DoD Directive 8010.x, supporting draft Instructions, and existing DoD policy. Next 60 Days: Complete necessity and sufficiency policy analysis. Complete initial Lean Six Sigma analysis of draft DoD policy.
DOCUMENT PROCESS IN REALIGNED POLICY Coordinate Policy Development Accomplishments: Supported update and refinement of the following draft policies: -- DoD Directive 8010.x, GIG Overarching Policy -- DoD Instruction 8120.x, GIG Configuration Management -- DoD Instruction 8200.x, GIG Enterprise Engineering -- DoD Instruction 8230.x, GIG Architecture Development, Maintenance, and Use -- DoD Instruction 8420.x, NetOps for the GIG -- DoD Instruction 8450.x, GIG Computing Infrastructure Supported presentation of the draft polices to the DCIO and the CIO EB Coordinators. Next 60 Days: Support adjudication of CIO EB Coordinators’ comments (due 30 Mar 07). Support additional review of the draft policies, including review through the SD 106 process.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Develop The GIG Architectural Vision Accomplishments: Supported update and refinement of the draft GIG Architectural Vision. Supported development of GIG Architectural Framework supporting materials. Next 60 Days: Develop non-FOUO version. Support distribution of the draft GIG Architectural Vision to reviewers and the comment adjudication process. Support presentation of the draft GIG Architectural Vision to other stakeholders, as required. Support update and refinement of the draft GIG Architectural Vision IAW adjudication of reviewers’ comments.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Develop Type II Technical Direction Accomplishments: Reviewed and provided comments on the draft DoD Instruction 8200.x, GIG Enterprise Engineering. Supported integration of Type II Technical Direction content into draft policies. Conducted technical exchanges with the Enterprise Documentation Framework (EDF) Working Group. Drafted a proposal to support the FAA and PEO Working Groups coordination effort and deliverables. Next 60 Days: Develop Technical Direction requirements from the FAA and PEO Working Groups.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: ARCHITECTURE AND TOOLS Develop the DoDAF Accomplishments: Completed internal review, comment adjudication, and update of the draft DoDAF Version 1.5 (Volumes 1, 2, and 3). Next 60 Days: Complete technical and editorial reviews of the draft Version 1.5 and prepare final version. Forward DoDAF Version 1.5 for approval by the A&I Director and distribution. Continue to synchronize Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) development with DoDAF development.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: ARCHITECTURE AND TOOLS Develop the NCOW Reference Model Accomplishments: Conducted technical exchange meetings with the Joint Net-Centric Operations, EDF, and Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area (EIEMA) Working Groups. Continued to develop a process for applying the Reference Model and incorporating Reference Model content into Joint Capability Area and Mission Area portfolios. Completed and presented the Version 1.2 Project Plan to the Reference Model AO. Next 60 Days: Continue to conduct technical exchange meetings with stakeholders, focusing on portfolio managers. Implement the Reference Model Version 1.2 Project Plan.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: ARCHITECTURE AND TOOLS Develop a Federation Strategy Accomplishments: Completed comment adjudication and update of the draft Federation Strategy. Distributed the draft Federation Strategy to stakeholders for recommendations concerning follow-on formal review. Next 60 Days: Determine the requirement for additional review. If required, support the review and comment adjudication process. If not required, develop a final version and submit for approval and distribution.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: ARCHITECTURE AND TOOLS Develop a 100-Day Plan (New Task) Accomplishments: Developed a draft 100-Day Plan for implementing the GIG Enterprise Architecture (draft WBS and LOE estimate) and presented the draft Plan to the Architecture and Tools AO for review and comment. Next 60 Days: Present the draft 100-Day Plan to the A&I Director for review and comment. Update the draft Plan, as required, and support presentation of the Plan for approval by OASD(NII)/DoD CIO leadership. Implement the 100-Day Plan.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: ARCHITECTURE COP ESTABLISH AN ARCHITECTURE COP Accomplishments: Supported IDEAS Working Group 5-9 Mar. Developed and submitted TEP to support Command Unique architecture work for AFRICOM. Supported the planning for the Enterprise Architecture Conference scheduled for 23-27 Apr. Next 60 Days: Attend the EA Conference. Ensure AFRICOM work is coordinated and underway without disruption. Support additional IDEAS working group meetings.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: SUSTAINING FUNCTIONS Manage ISP Development and Assessment Accomplishments: Developed a pilot program plan memo for JCPAT-E DoD reviewers describing the differences between legacy ISPs and the Enhanced ISP. Finalized ISP Beta Version 3.5 for release to interested volunteer beta programs, including instructions on how to use the new process to create ISP PDF. Finalized the PDF output for the Harpoon Block III ISP and submitted it for review into JCPAT-E. Reviewed and submitted comments to JCPAT-E on multiple ISPs (Land Warrior Stage I, Theater Medical Information Program, DDG 1000, AHLTA Block 2 Stage I C4ISP, Navy Enterprise Resource Planning [Revised], and Remote Mine-Hunting System). Next 60 Days: Conduct JAD sessions to develop the interactive reviewer process using XML. Continue to implement accepted template, PDF action items, Beta-user feedback, and remaining open improvements. Continue to review all submitted ISPs and capture all issues for each program.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: SUSTAINING FUNCTIONS Manage External Activities Accomplishments: The LM Team will begin supporting this activity in Apr 07. Next 60 Days: Provide support as required by the supported AOs. Develop NetOps Direction and Guidance Supported development of the draft DoD NetOps for the GIG Strategy, a briefing that describes the Strategy, and a NetOps Strategy article for CrossTalk magazine. Complete the final version of the NetOps Strategy.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: SUSTAINING FUNCTIONS Manage the Computing Infrastructure (CI) Domain Accomplishments: Delivered the revised CI Strategy (Version 1.8). Continued to support the EIEMA Portfolio management process and activities. Realigned the DITPR CI content. Developed and presented the CI Architecture plan. Delivered the CI AV-1 and OV-1. Continued CI Domain outreach and coordination (JNO Portfolio, DISA, and Component EIEMA leads). Next 60 Days: Refine and update the CI Domain Strategy and Architecture, based on stakeholder feedback. Continue active participation in the JNO and EIEMA Portfolio management activities, including identification and development of CI Domain POM issues. Continue CI Domain outreach.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: SUSTAINING FUNCTIONS Support IP Convergence and IPv6 Transition Accomplishments: Organized and participated in the DoD IPv6 Transition Steering Group meeting. Supported efforts to obtain DoD IPv6 address space. Supported the DCIO’s presentation to the IPv6 Tech Forum. Provided comments to ensure RTS is incorporated into the CJCSI 6215.01B. Consolidated and submitted OASD(NII)/DoD CIO comments on the draft U.S. Government IPv6 Standards Profile. Presented the DoD IPv6 transition update and DoD RTS briefing to the DISA CENTCOM Voice Networks Conference. Next 60 Days: Support development of a draft DoD RTS Instruction. Support DISA efforts to develop the DoD IP Convergence Master Plan. Prepare an IPv6 Update briefing for the CIO EB Coordinators and Principals. Participate in the IPv6 T&E Report meeting with the DoD IPv6 Transition Office and the office of the DOT&E.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: COCOM SUPPORT USJFCOM Support Accomplishments: Leading a collaborative effort with USNORTHCOM, USPACOM, and NGB to develop a communications architecture for domestic disaster relief operations. Developing Theater Strategic to Tactical Integrated Architecture. Integrating the Joint Force Provider architecture with the Joint Deployment Process Owner and Adaptive Planning architectures . Delivered five Joint Task Article architectures and authored a paper on Joint architectures and standards. Next 60 Days: Continue developing joint architectures to address interoperability issues, JC2 Capability Portfolio Management, and support to the operating forces. Continue coordination with COCOMs, Services, Agencies, and the NGB for data sharing, reuse, and architecture development. Continue developing architectures to support COCOM and Joint training.
IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS: COCOM SUPPORT USSTRATCOM Support Accomplishments: Leading the USSTRATCOM effort to support the Federated Joint Architecture Working Group (FJAWG) and the DoD/CIO EA Federation Strategy. Participated in the J82/J86/DHS working group effort to align USSTRATCOM, USNORTHCOM, DoD, and DHS requirements in the National Command and Coordination Capabilities (NCCC) strategy. Provided architecture development support to USSTRATCOM Computer Network Defense (CND) and NetOps efforts. Providing GC2 architecture expertise support to the USSTRATCOM Operationalizing the New Triad (ONT), Intelligence, and Planning Tiger Team. Continued work on the National Defense University (NDU) capstone projects. Next 60 Days: Continue supporting Tiger Team, GC2, and NetOps Architecture efforts. Complete NDU EA Course final project. Support policy development and review.
OTHER CONTINUING PROGRAM SUPPORT Support Implementation of a Governance Framework Continue developing briefings, papers, etc. Continue supporting outreach and socialization efforts. Complete analyses of draft polices (Lean Six Sigma and roles and responsibilities). Support A&I Priority Missions Maintain ability to surge (adjust resources and focus people) in response to new activities and priorities. Continue to Build Team LM Interview and select candidates for: -- A&I Front Office Support -- DoDAF Development -- EIEMA Architecture Development -- NCOW Reference Model Development
IPR ACTIONS Incorporate Specific Policy Development Guidance (Dec 06) Incorporated and continuing to adjust to new guidance. Modify Display of Actual and Projected Burn Rates (Dec 06) Modified.
SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION ITEMS Availability of funding and funding levels requires close coordination as priorities shift. Goals, objectives, agenda, and speakers for the Apr 07 DoD EA Summit and Workshops need to be finalized ICW AFEI. Potential Risk Schedule: Moderate Risk – requires close coordination and cooperation; there is an external dependency on outside reviews and timely responses. Tasking vs. Resources: Low Risk – new tasks will require elimination, reduction, or rescheduling of current activities.