Global I Civilizations!


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Presentation transcript:

Global I Civilizations! Final Exam Review

Mountains, Deserts = isolation West African Kingdoms Tang/Song China Mesoamerica AKA- Middle America Geography Sahara Desert (trans-Saharan) Ghana, Mali, Songhai Mountains, Deserts = isolation East is fertile land Meso = “middle” North & South America Andes Mountains (INCA) Accomplishments Gold & salt trade Mansa Musa, the king for Mali, Marched to Mecca and spread Islam Moveable Type & Gunpowder Calendar (MAYA, AZTEC) Architecture Floating Gardens (Aztec) Terrace farming (INCA) Roads (INCA)

GOLDEN AGE (math, science, tolerance) The Empires below were all located at the center of __________ trade. They were located in or near the Middle __________, A.K.A. the cultural crossroads between Eastern ___________and _____________. global East Europe Asia Byzantine Empire Justinian Code Eastern Roman Empire Orthodox Christianity (Great Schism) PRESERVED GRECO-ROMAN CULTURE! Islamic Empire GOLDEN AGE (math, science, tolerance) Islam spreads to Europe and Africa PRESERVED GRECO-ROMAN CULTURE! Ottoman Empire Overthrew Byzantine Empire Constantinople  Istanbul Controlled eastern Mediterranean Sea “Old, Sick man of Europe”

European Middle Ages ~ 500-1300 CE Causes: NO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (fall of Rome) Feudalism: political system based on ownership of land and loyalty Manorialism: economic system – barter economy, self-sufficient, based on agriculture  isolation & little trading outside of manor Most powerful institution = CATHOLIC CHURCH! Gothic architecture; art glorified God Crusades = increased trade with Middle East Bubonic plague is epidemic

Europe After the fall of Rome: Middle Ages  Renaissance/ reformation Japanese Feudalism: Causes: NO STRONG CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Tokugawa Shogunate: powerful shogun oversaw traditional era with golden age Samurai: powerful warriors(Bushido Code) Similar to European feudalism

Renaissance Commercial Revolution (guilds, capitalism, trade  Renaissance Humanism: Curiosity about life in the present (not life after death like in the Middle Ages) Emphasis on the achievements of the individual Examined worldly subjects “Questioning spirit” question authority Art & Architecture: return to Greco-Roman styles, life-like portrayal, ordinary (secular) topics

Middle Ages Renaissance

Political/Religious Change: Reformation Reformation: Period when Europeans broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and formed new Christian churches Causes: Renaissance Strong Monarchs Problems in the Church (indulgences!) Reformers: Martin Luther (95 Theses) John Calvin Impact: Shatters/ends religious unity in Western Europe

Printing Press Invention of wooden movable type in China Johann Gutenberg used this idea to create the printing press (metal moveable type) Allowed printer to produce hundreds of copies BIBLE was first full book printed Impact: Books became more available ~ cheaper and easier to make! Literacy increased ~ books were available and more people learned to read and write! Ideas spread rapidly ~ people had access to new knowledge and Bibles increased the spread of religious ideas