Blake and Geraghty CLASS Curriculum guide Spring Term 2016 Geography Maths: PE: Games Identifying the features of a map Understanding directions – North, South, East, West Using a compass to follow directions. Measuring weight/mass/capacity SATs word problems preperation Time – Past, to the hour, 5 minute intervals Securing number facts, relationships and calculating. Times tables Gymnastics: Rolling, jumping, turning, sequences Cricket: Rules, throwing, catching, aiming. Science Plants Music Exploring pulse and rhythm. Performing with a sense of beat. Exploring pitch. Blake and Geraghty CLASS Curriculum guide Spring Term 2016 Art & Design Creating finger puppets using a variety of materials. Exploring different artists and creating work in their style. ICT Taking photographs Uploading photographs Creating a photo album Editing images Adding text to compliment images History English History of puppetry Fiction: Using plans to help write a story Non-fiction: Information texts SATs preparation Grammar and punctuation PSHCE RE Parables Easter Being different and unique Friendship International schools link with Australia, India. Trip to London Zoo (TBC)