Agenda Communitarian Funds DAPHNE III LLP Youth in Action CULTURE
DAPHNE III MISSION Supporting projects on: Rights of victims of violence Violence linked to harmful practices Children as victims and perpetrators of violence Perpetrator programmes and interventions Training programmes for professionals in contact with victims Empowerment work at grass-roots level Media violence, particularly violence linked to new technology and social networking tools
DAPHNE III PARTNERSHIP Proposals must be submitted by organisations which are legally established (excluding natural persons) in one of the 27 EU Member States or the EFTA States that are parties to the EEA Agreement (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)5 and they must involve at least two of these. FUNDING Only projects, which do not aim to generate a profit, will be eligible for funding. EU funding cannot constitute more than of 80% of overall eligible project cost and requested amount under this call cannot be less than EUR 75.000.
DAPHNE III APPLICATION DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED The applicant must upload in PRIAMOS the duly completed Grant Application Form, to which the following annexes must be attached: Annex 1. Project description and Implementation Form; Annex 2. Budget form; Annex 3. Partner/Associate Partner Declaration Form (includes declaration on exclusion criteria and legal entity); Annex 4. Co-financing declaration Form by other donors (if relevant).
LLP PARTNERSHIP Comenius - European Cooperation on School Education COMENIUS focuses on the first phase of education, from pre-school and primary to secondary school, and it is addressed to all members of the education community in the broad sense – pupils, teachers, other education staff, but also local authorities, parents' associations, non-government organisations ... COMENIUS supports school partnerships, individual mobility of teachers and student teachers, projects for the training of school education staff, and school education networks. It thus aims to enhance the quality of teaching, strengthen its European dimension and promote language learning and mobility. COMENIUS also emphasises certain important issues: learning in a multi-cultural framework, which is the cornerstone of European citizenship, support for disadvantaged groups, countering under-achievement at school and preventing exclusion. PARTNERSHIP COMENIUS is open to participants from the following countries: the twenty-seven Member States of the European Union, the EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Turkey.
LLP – Comenius TARGET PUBLIC Pupils in school education up to the end of upper secondary education Schools, as specified by Member States Teachers and other staff within those schools Associations, not-for-profit organisations, NGOs and representatives of those involved in school education Persons and bodies responsible for the organisation and delivery of education at local, regional and national levels Research centres and bodies concerned with lifelong learning issues Higher education institutions Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services
LLP - Comenius DEVELOPMENT OF PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN Schools, with a view to developing joint learning projects for pupils and their teachers ("Comenius school partnerships") Organisations responsible for any aspect of school education, with a view to fostering inter-regional cooperation, including border region cooperation ("Comenius-Regio partnerships") FUNDING – COMENIUS REGIO Flat rate amount for mobilities, it differs depending on the distance of project partners Amount for project activities described in the budget (max. 25.000,-EUR), co-funding creates 75% of the total costs
CULTURE SUPPORT FOR CULTURAL PROJECTS FUNDING Strand 1.1 – Multi annual cooperation projects Strand 1.2.1- Cooperation measures concerns actions shared by at least three cultural operators, working across sectors, from at least three eligible countries over a maximum period of two years. Actions that seek to develop long-term co-operation are especially targeted. FUNDING EU support for the actions is limited to half of the total eligible cost and is set between EUR 50 000 and EUR 200 000.
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