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Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine TEMPUS PROGRAM PREPARED BY National Tempus Office – Palestine 2009 European.

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1 Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine TEMPUS PROGRAM PREPARED BY National Tempus Office – Palestine 2009 European Commission TEMPUS

2 - To support the modernisation of Higher Education in the target countries in the surrounding area, including Central Asia. -To establish an area of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the partner countries. -To favour convergence with the European Area for Higher Education (Lisbon and Bologna). OBJECTIVES: European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

3 Institutional cooperation Bottom-up programme mainly implemented through calls for proposals seeking projects targeting reforms in higher education institutions and/or systems. Strong involvement of national authorities. Strong accent on dissemination, sustainability and exploitation of results. Complements other EU mobility programmes (e.g. Erasmus Mundus II). Approach: European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

4 1.Joint Projects 2.Structural Measures. 3.Accompanying Measures Tempus finances three types of actions European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

5  Joint Projects: implemented at institutional level to reform curricula, improve university governance, create more links with society.  Joint Projects: as a tool of promoting multilateral partnerships amongst higher education institutions. They can develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, boost a quality assurance culture, and modernise the management and governance of higher education institutions. European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

6  Structural Measures: implemented at national level for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in Partner Countries.  Accompanying Measures: dissemination and information activities (conferences, studies, exchange of good practices, National Tempus Offices, High Education Reform Experts, etc.) European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

7 GRANT SIZE (for both Joint Project and Structural Mesures is € 500 000 to € 1 500 000. GRANT SIZE (for both Joint Project and Structural Mesures is € 500 000 to € 1 500 000. For both Joint Projects and Structural Projects. Need to prove cost effectiveness ! For both Joint Projects and Structural Projects. Need to prove cost effectiveness ! PROJECT DURATION = up to 36 months. PROJECT DURATION = up to 36 months. European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

8 Type of Partnership National projects Target to benefit one partner country and will focus on the National Priorities set for that partner country. Multi-country projects Aim to benefit more than one partner country. They will focus on addressing the Regional Priorities or the National Priorities which are common to all partner countries. At least three higher education institutions from a partner country and at least three higher education institutions from the EU, each from a different EU Member State. At least two higher education institutions, from each of the participating partner countries and at least three higher education institutions, each from a different EU Member State. European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

9 I.Curricular Reform II.Governance Reform III.Higher Education and Society European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

10 The Disciplines of the Palestinian National priorities are: Engineering disciplines, Medical and Health disciplines, Applied Sciences disciplines, Social Sciences and humanities discipline. Palestinian National and Regional Priorities of the Curricular Reform Theme. The Disciplines of the Regional Priorities where Palestine is located are: Law and good governance (including human rights), health, education, energy, environment (including climate change) transport, information society, business and entrepreneurship, tourism European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

11 3.2 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education Development of international relations. NATIONAL PRIORITIES European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

12 3.2 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education. Development of international relations. REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

13 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises. Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation. Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks NATIONAL PRIORITIES European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

14 3.3 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

15 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education Development of international relations NATIONAL PRIORITIES European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

16 Governance Reform University management and services for students. Introduction of quality assurance. Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education. Development of international relations. REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

17 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers (waiting approval) Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation (waiting cancellation from the national priorities). Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks NATIONAL PRIORITIES European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

18 Higher Education and Society Training of non-university teachers. Development of partnerships with enterprises. Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large. Qualifications frameworks REGIONAL PRIORITIES Where Palestine is located European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

19 ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Joint Projects: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC). Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions. Structural Measures: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC). Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions. Rector/teacher/student organisations (not Ministries). Applicants must be legal persons (‘legal entities’), legally established for more than five years in the EU or Tempus partner countries. European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

20 ELIGIBLE PARTNERS  State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC).  Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions.  Rector/teacher/student organisations.  Non-governmental organisations.  Social partner and their training organisations.  Private and public enterprises.  Research institutions.  Public administrations, Ministries or national/regional authorities, as “Associated Partners”. European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

21 PRIORITY GIVEN TO PROJECTS THAT:  Demonstrate a wider impact on higher education institutions and systems - Structural Measures.  Involve a representative number of higher education institutions from a partner country.  Promote regional cooperation.  Involve non-academic consortium members.  Demonstrate a strong institutional and individual capacity building process.  Demonstrate that they actively involve students. Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine European Commission TEMPUS

22 ELIGIBLE COST  Direct cost Staff costs: max 40% of total eligible direct costs  for academic and admin staff use maximum daily rates Travel and subsistence: Student mobility – up to 3 months Equipment and supplies: max. 30% of total direct costs Printing and publishing & “other costs”  Indirect cost 7% of the total direct costs. European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

23 FINANCING Tempus grant: Up 90% of total eligible direct and indirect cost. Co-Financing from consortium resources: At least 10 % of total eligible direct and indirect costs. European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

24 National Tempus Office – Palestine Staff: -Coordinator: Prof. Daoud Zatari -Administrative Assistant: Hisham Kaddoumi Web site: Adresse: -6 th floor of the Higher Education Building, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Ramallah – Palestine Tel: +970 22 982 604 Fax: +970 22 954 518 European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

25 Thank you for your attention European Commission TEMPUS Ministry Of Education and Higher Education National Tempus Office Palestine

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