Matters of Life and Death


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Presentation transcript:

Matters of Life and Death Beliefs about Life after death: Christian beliefs Jewish beliefs Non-religious beliefs Why some don’t believe in life after death Issues involving life and death: Christian and Jewish views on abortion Christian and Jewish views on euthanasia The media and matters of life after death Arguments for and against the media commenting on religious beliefs about matters of life and death

Keywords Immortality of the soul – the idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body Paranormal – unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes, for example, ghosts, mediums Resurrection – the belief that, after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised Near-death Experience – when someone about to die has an out-of-body experience Reincarnation – the belief that, after death, souls are reborn in a new body Abortion – the removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive Sanctity of Life – the belief that life is holy and belongs to God Assisted Suicide – providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide Euthanasia – the painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease Non-voluntary Euthanasia – ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have good reason for thinking they would want you to do so Quality of Life – the idea that life must have some benefits for it to be worth living Voluntary Euthanasia – ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death

Christian beliefs about Life after death and how these affect their lives All believe in life after death even if there are differences in beliefs. Reasons for belief: How beliefs in life after death affect Christians’ lives Jesus rose from the dead – must be life after death St Paul – people will have a resurrection like Jesus – “For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive” John the Devine – at the end of the world dead will be raised and brought before God for judgement Jesus taught he would come again at end of world to make final judgements on heaven and hell Believe people made up of body and soul – believe soul is immortal Belief in life after death gives life purpose and meaning Believe what happens when we die is determined by how we live – will try to live a good Christian life This means following Jesus’ teachings – love God and love neighbour “Love thy neighbour” – work for Christian charities Believe sins can prevent people going to heaven – try to avoid sinning Gives life meaning and purpose – may suffer less depression

Jewish beliefs about Life after death and how these affect their lives All believe in life after death. Reasons for belief: How beliefs in life after death affect Jews’ lives Tenakh teaches this – Jews should believe what Tenakh says One of Thirteen Principles of Faith says there will be life after death – should believe this Talmud (written discussions by Rabbis about the teachings of the Torah) teaches this – most Jews try to follow Talmud Gives life meaning and purpose Main teaching of Judaism is resurrection – God will end this world and create a new one, God will resurrect dead and decide what happens to them – try to live a good Jewish life Orthodox Jews – leading good life means following Torah and Halakhah – pray 3 times a day, fast on Yom Kippur, observe Shabbat. Leading good life means following Mitzvot – keep kosher, observe dress laws. Orthodox Jews – believe they should make final confession. Also keep Shiva after funerals – always aware of proximity of death Gives life meaning and purpose – less depression

Non-religious beliefs about Life after death Non-Religious Reasons for Believing in Life After Death Why Some People Don’t Believe in Life After Death Near-death experiences Evidence for spirit world Evidence for reincarnation If no God then no heaven Different religions have different ideas – must not be true Evidence for life after death based on holy books – which one should be believed? Science says mind cannot live without body Nowhere for life after death to take place How would we recognise souls without bodies? Parents not religious

Christian attitudes to abortion Against – always wrong – Catholics and Evangelical Protestants Allows abortion in limited circumstances – Liberal Protestants Sanctity of life Life begins at conception – “thou shall not kill” “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...” – suggests life begins at conception Adoption a better solution Doctrine of double effect – can deal with difficult issues e.g. when mother’s life is at risk One sinful act should not provoke another (e.g. rape should not mean a woman has an abortion) “Love thy neighbour” Life does not begin at conception Sanctity of life broken in just war so why not abortion? Should accept technological advances in medicine

Jewish Attitudes to Abortion Should never be allowed: Life begins at conception – “thou shall not kill” Sanctity of life Wrong unless mother’s life at risk: Torah permits killing in self defence Abortion acceptable: Life doesn’t begin until foetus can survive on their own Torah – Jews must prevent unnecessary suffering

Euthanasia Euthanasia can include different things to different people Some think turning off life support or withdrawing extraordinary treatment counts as euthanasia (this is not what the law says) For others it is assisted suicide Assisted suicide illegal in UK Assisted suicide can be voluntary or non-voluntary

Christian Attitudes to Euthanasia Catholics and many Liberal Protestants – disagree with assisted suicide. Switching off life support (if brain dead), withdrawing extraordinary treatment and giving painkillers which may shorten life is not euthanasia so these are acceptable Other Christians – Any form of euthanasia is wrong including switching off life support, withdrawing extraordinary treatment or giving painkillers which might shorten life Sanctity of life Euthanasia is murder – “thou shall not kill” Up to medical experts to determine when death has occurred – if doctors say someone is brain dead they have already died so switching off life support is OK Catechism permits not giving extraordinary treatment Doctrine of double effect – allows painkillers Bible bans suicide Sanctity of life Euthanasia is murder – “Thou shall not kill” A few Christians – accept limited use of euthanasia (including assisted suicide) Modern medical science – we can no longer be sure what God’s wishes are Love thy neighbour Human rights

Jewish attitudes to euthanasia Against – all forms wrong – Most Jews Allows switching off life support machines and not striving to keep someone alive – Some Jews Torah – suicide is wrong and will be punished by God Sanctity of life Euthanasia is murder – “thou shall not kill” Tenakh and Talmund – only God can give and take life Some Rabbis have agreed it is OK If someone is brain dead, God has already taken their life Striving to keep someone alive is preventing God from taking their soul

Arguments For and Against the Media Being Free to Criticise Religious Views on Life After Death Freedom of expression – for democracy, electorate needs to make an informed decision Religious leaders use media to criticise government policies on matters of life after death – must be prepared to face criticism Multi-faith society – freedom of religious belief and expression Important issues to everyone Stirs up racial hatred Criticisms can cause offence to believers Close to blasphemy God is beyond human criticism