Chapter 9: State, Society, and the Quest for Salvation in India


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 9: State, Society, and the Quest for Salvation in India AP World History – Mr. Mims

Some of our best information about early Indian history comes from the Indika. Who wrote this?

What was the political landscape like at the time of the Aryans?

What people influenced the change of administrative techniques after their invasion in 520BCE?

In 327BCE, who threw India into political chaos with his invasion?

What kingdom played a leading role in the Indian unification after the withdrawal of Alexander?

Who was the ruler that unfied all of northern India beginning in the late 320sBCE?

Who was the main advisor to Chandragupta?

In which document are he harsh political philosophy of Kautalya is recorded? Literary works of Zhou period

What was the bloodiest battle fought by Ashoka (that also sparked a spiritual transformation for him)?

What was the capital of Asoka’s Empire?

Many of these were issued by Ashoka throughout the empire…

What was the biggest financial problem of the later Mauryan period?

After the collapse of the Mauryan dynasty, northwest was controlled by what group of people? What language did they speak?

What was the political landscape like after the collapse of the Mauryan empire?

Under whose rule did the Kushans reach their peak?

The creation of the Gupta dynasty was in the year 320CE under ….

Who was in charge of local government and administration under the Guptas?

What group invaded the Gupta state and was partially responsible for its collapse?

What did people depend on for trade across the Indian Ocean?

What are the two great Indian epics?

What was one of the most pronounced examples of patriarchal dominance in ancient India?

One of the biggest transformations of the caste system was the rise of which group?

Maintaining social order in India was essentially the responsibility of what group?

Ancient Indian religion revolved around ritual sacrifices offered by whom?

What sect believed that the gods were figments of the imagination?

Many of the beliefs of the Charvakas reflected which increasing character of Indian society?

Who was Vardhamana Mahavira?

What religious group sweeps the ground before them as they walk, do not eat meat or root vegetables, and believe in a strict code of nonviolence to ALL living things?

What is the word that expresses a Jain’s principle of nonviolence?

What was the greatest Social contribution of the Jains?

Who called for people to lead lives characterized by balance and moderation?

What is the core of Buddhist doctrine?

What is the Eightfold path?

What is another name for Theraveda Buddhism?

What is the bodhisattva?

What is the Indian work that deals with dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna?