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Presentation transcript:

EU STRATEGY FOR THE ADRIATIC AND IONIAN REGION DG MARE.D1 Maritime Policy in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

Thematic scope of the Strategy Pillar 3 Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 4 Blue growth – (coordinated by Greece and Montenegro) Connecting the Region – (coordinated by Italy and Serbia) Environmental quality – (coordinated by Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) Sustainable tourism – (coordinated by Croatia and Albania) Cross-cutting aspects 1. Capacity building including communication 2. Research and Innovation and SME development

1. Blue growth Maritime and Marine governance and services Fisheries Driving innovative maritime and marine growth in the Region by promoting sustainable economic growth, jobs and business opportunities in the blue economy Blue Technologies Actions/Project examples Fisheries and Aquaculture Maritime and Marine governance and services

Thematic scope of the Strategy Pillar 3 Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 4 Blue growth – (coordinated by Greece and Montenegro) Connecting the Region – (coordinated by Italy and Serbia) Environmental quality – (coordinated by Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) Sustainable tourism – (coordinated by Croatia and Albania) Cross-cutting aspects 1. Capacity building including communication 2. Research and Innovation and SME development

3. Environmental Quality Addressing environmental quality through cooperation at the level of the Region The marine environment a) Threats to coastal and marine biodiversity Actions/Project examples b) Pollution of the sea Transnational terrestrial habitats and biodiversity

Thematic scope of the Strategy Pillar 3 Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 4 Blue growth – (coordinated by Greece and Montenegro) Connecting the Region – (coordinated by Italy and Serbia) Environmental quality – (coordinated by Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) Sustainable tourism – (coordinated by Croatia and Albania) Cross-cutting aspects 1. Capacity building including communication 2. Research and Innovation and SME development

BG in the Adriatic-Ionian Seas Marine Environment is well covered in national and regional OPs and further mentioned under EMFF priority axis 6. MSP and ICZM are prioritized in the ETC programmes yet hardly mentioned in national or regional OPs. Maritime surveillance and CISE are well covered in the EMFF OPs under priority axis 6. Despite good references in the Smart Specialization Strategies, Blue Technologies are only explicitly addressed in few of the examined OPs and mainly in France, Greece and Italy. Tourism as a main driver for Blue Economy is well covered in many national, regional and cooperation OPs. Skills and Training related to Blue Economy is a main focus of national and regional ESF OPs with a notable prioritization in Italian OPs. Synergies with the EUSAIR are outlined in all relevant OPs (regional, national and cooperation programmes). BG in the Adriatic-Ionian Seas

BG in the MED – qualitative analysis digest Marine Environment is well covered in national and regional OPs and further mentioned under EMFF priority axis 6. MSP and ICZM are prioritized in the ETC programmes yet hardly mentioned in national or regional OPs. Maritime surveillance and CISE are well covered in the EMFF OPs under priority axis 6. Despite good references in the Smart Specialization Strategies, Blue Technologies are only explicitly addressed in few of the examined OPs and mainly in France, Greece and Italy. Tourism as a main driver for Blue Economy is well covered in many national, regional and cooperation OPs. Skills and Training related to Blue Economy is a main focus of national and regional ESF OPs with a notable prioritization in Italian OPs. Synergies with the EUSAIR are outlined in all relevant OPs (regional, national and cooperation programmes). BG in the MED – qualitative analysis digest Marine Environment MSP and ICZM Maritime surveillance / CISE Blue Technologies Tourism Skills and Training Synergies with EUSAIR Operative Programmes Regional National CBC / ETC Comment  EMFF priority axis 6 Mainly FR, GR, ES Strong focus in IT  Indicating intensity of appearance in OPs (0 = min, 3 = max)  

Smart Specialization Strategies in the MED The analysis of the S3 priorities in the MED confirms the focus on Blue Economy with a prioritization of Tourism, Fisheries and Transport

BlueMED Initiative European Commission - DG MARE Maritime Affairs in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

BLUEMED SRIA the process Needs & Gaps May 2014 >> Set up of the initiative and roadmap; June-August 2014 >> National mapping of R&I projects (about 900!) via public/private stakeholders consultations; merging of information and identification of R&I gaps & needs, opportunities and boundary conditions for their implementation. September - December 2014 >> Sharing of the findings with relevant scientific communities and industrial associations at national and EU level. Set up of the Vision Document which was endorsed by the Italian Presidency of the EU Council and presented at the Competitiveness Council of 04-05 December 2014. Vision February 2015 >> Identification of the Key challenges and goals & actions according to the drivers boosting blue jobs & growth, knowledge transfer and SMEs participation April 2015 >> drafting of BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). May-September 2015: Sharing of SRIA with regional, national , EU and international public/private stakeholders; October 2015 : Publication of SRIA (updates will be made regularly every 6 months) endorsed by 14 EU Countries; 10 endorsed the Venice declaration on October 16,2015 ) SRIA BLUEMED Vision & SRIA available at:

Key sectorial enablers in the Mediterranean BLUEMED: Key Challenges Key enabling knowledge for the Mediterranean Key sectorial enablers in the Mediterranean Enabling technology and capacity creation for the Med Smart, greener maritime transport and facilities in the Mediterranean Observing systems and operational oceanography capacities in the Mediterranean Multi-purpose off-shore platforms in the Mediterranean Marine and costal cultural heritage in the Mediterranean: discovering, protecting and valuing Mediterranean Sea ecosystems: services, resources, vulnerability and resilience to natural and anthropogenic pressures Mediterranean Sea dynamics: developing services in the filed of sustainable adaptation and to climate change and plans for mitigation; Hazards and protection of coastal areas in the Mediterranean Innovative business based on marine bio-resources in the Mediterranean Ecosystem-based management of Mediterranean aquaculture and fisheries Sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean Maritime clusters in the Mediterranean Maritime Spatial Planning & Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean

BLUEMED impact Some BLUEMED SRIA priorities were adopted by the EU commission, DG MARE and DG RTD, and included in their R&I programmes. European Commission DG MARE Call for proposals: Blue Labs - innovative solutions for maritime challenges (May 31, 2016); Blue Careers in Europe (May 31, 2016); Blue Technology - transfer of innovative solutions to sea basin economies (Sept 2016); European Commission DG RTD Six BLUEMED R&I priorities were included in the 2016-2017 WP of Horizon 2020 SC2 with € 43 M. (

Topics, SC2 WP2016/17 BG-07-2017: Blue green innovation for clean coasts and seas (IA, 12M, 14.02. 17) BG-12-2016: Towards an integrated Mediterranean Sea Observing System BG-13-2016: Support to the BLUEMED Initiative: Coordination of marine and maritime research and innovation activities in the Mediterranean SFS-21-2016/2017: Advancing basic biological knowledge and improving management tools for commercially important fish and other seafood species (RIA,5M, I stage Feb 14, 2017, II stage 13.09.17) SFS-20-2017: Towards a science-based regionalisation of the Common Fisheries Policy (RIA,6M, I stage Feb 14, 2017, II stage 13 Sept 2017) SFS-23-2016: Improving the technical performance of the Mediterranean aquaculture

Strategic alignment EUSAIR Annual Forum on 13 May 2016 in Dubrovnik BLUEMED-EUSAIR workshops on 10 Nov 2016 in Rimini WestMED Initiative on sustainable development of the blue economy WestMED Stakeholder Conference on 02 Feb 2017 in Barcelona BLUEMED event on 19 Apr 2017 in Valletta

Thank you!