Chapter 5 The Mission Begins: Preparing the Way of the Lord.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 5 The Mission Begins: Preparing the Way of the Lord

Major Concept A: Infancy narratives>Matthew and Luke Faith-filled accounts of Jesus’ birth and early life. Reading pages Review questions on 113

Infancy Narratives Matthew Genealogy>back to Abraham Mary and Joseph: Mary is with child. Magi, star, gifts of gold, frankincense,and myrrh The flight into Egypt as Herod begins the slaughter of innocent children, Return to Palestine and the town of Nazareth

Infancy Narratives Luke We find information not contained in Matthew: Luke’s preface: Events before Jesus was born. Background on John the Baptist Gabriel tells Mary she is to bear a son. Mary visits Elizabeth Magnificat>Lk1: Several scenes centering on John the Baptist. It is after all this that then Luke begins to describe the birth of Jesus

Luke’s stories about Jesus’ birth and early life These ideas are found only in Luke’s Gospel. Jesus is wrapped in bands of cloth and laid in a manger No Magi in Luke, but Shepherds and an angel’s announcement Jesus’ presentation in the temple Jesus at age 12 in Jerusalem

Luke’s closing statement Jesus went down with his parents and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in human and divine favor (2:51-52)

Concept B: The Hidden Years of Jesus’ Life Experienced life as a typical Jew of his day. By looking at his adult life we see he must have been: Intelligent, sensitive,as a boy. Like us in all things but sin. He had physical, emotional,intellectual and spiritual needs just like us.

Jesus’ Birthday Born during the reign of Herod the Great. Herod died in 4B.C. So Jesus was certainly born before that year. the evangelists did not share our concern for precise information about such an event.

Circumcised According to the Law of Moses 8 days after his birth Sign of membership in the covenant community of the Jews. Given the name of Jesus> a popular name of the day>”Yahweh is salvation”

Childhood in Nazareth His Dad, Joseph, was a carpenter. Boys learn the father’s job Good education>knew Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic( the common language of Palestine) Homework: Look up one of these alphabets and bring a copy to class.

Childhood 8 to 13 attended school in a room attached to the synagogue. Scripture, faith and history of his people,the Jews. Nazareth was an area where he would have also encountered many new ideas from the Greeks and Romans

Family life Jesus’ strong Jewish faith had its source in the faith of his parents. Devout Jews Prayer Deep awareness of God and God’s relationship with people. Homework: Review question on 117,in Notebooks

The Beginnings of Jesus’ Public Life page 118 J/B was one of many wandering prophets at the time of Jesus. He never claimed himself as Messiah or liberator longed for by the Jewish. He pointed to “one who is more powerful than I”(LK.3:16) Ritual Bathing= change of heart, openness of mind, spirit=Baptism

Jesus’ Public Life Baptism from John=awareness of personal sinfulness+desire to join new kingdom+changing the way of living.

Jesus’ Baptism ALL synoptic Gospels record it, John refers to it. MK.1:9-11 MT LK.3:21-22 JN.1:29-34 Read each and list what is seen, heard or said. Note any differences of order of events.

Symbolism in the Baptism Accounts The Dove=Israel>less often as the Spirit of God The Voice= In O.T. God is depicted as speaking to people in a voice. Used to express Jesus’ interior experience of God. Seen/heard only by Jesus?

Jesus’ Baptism If Jesus is like us in all things BUT sin and baptism is for the forgiveness of sins WHY did Jesus get baptized?? Jesus accepted baptism as part of God’s plan. Shows Jesus’ willingness to completely step into life and live as his people lived (and as we live).

Jesus’ Baptism-A Moment of Self Discovery page 120 Jesus recognized that he was chosen in a special way to proclaim and begin a new kingdom Jesus learned that he would be given the power to fulfill his role through the Spirit of God( represented by the Dove) His awareness of his relationship to God freed him to do and say things that went beyond what any other prophet, teacher, religious leader could do or say

Temptation in the Desert page 121 And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty day, tempted by Satan MK.1:12-13 MT. and LK. Expand this temptation scene into a 3-fold temptation Jesus’ time in the desert was his prayerful preparation for his ministry

Jesus’ Temptations 1 Turn the stones to bread> economic power> Jesus’ messiahship was not to be based on his ability to provide for the material wants and needs of people. He has come to provide for the spiritual hunger of the people

Jesus’ Temptations 2 Throw yourself down from a high point of the temple and have God save you>shows Jesus’ special relationship with God>Magical power

Jesus’ Temptations 3 Fall at the feet of the devil and worship him and all the kingdoms of earth will be yours > Political power

Confronting and Defeating In all 3 temptations we see Jesus confront and defeat the kinds of temptations he would have to deal with throughout his ministry. A warning to us to resist the temptation to find our meaning and purpose in life through economic security or personal or political power over others

Write a minute Where do YOU see one of the temptations here at TGHS? Economic temptation Personal power Political power What can we do to defeat this temptation?

Wandering Preacher, Unique Teacher pg Like the Rabbis of His Day Unlike the Rabbis of His Day

Jesus and His Disciples: A unique Relationship pg 125 The Meaning of Discipleship The Twelve Apostles

Write a Minute! Read Mt. 10:2-4,Mk 3:16-19,Lk. 6:13-16 List the names of the 12 Apostles. What do you find the same in your readings? What do you find that is different between these readings?

Review for Chapter test Infancy narratives, whose got ‘em, who doesn’t? Who says what in the infancy narratives? From whom our course get its main portrait of Jesus? Narratives> History statements or Faith statements? Who is John the Baptist?>How was HE unlike many preachers of his day? Only Christians use bathing as a sign of purification

Review 2 Which Gospels give details of Jesus’ baptism? From what book of the bible does Jesus quote to the Devil? Why did Jesus work miracles? Like the Apostles we are called to_______________________?