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The Promised One & the Ministry of Jesus Christ

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1 The Promised One & the Ministry of Jesus Christ

2 Today we move our focus from the Old Testament to the New Testament
Do you remember some of the stories described in the Old Testament that point to Jesus? The first promise of a Deliverer to Adam and Eve: your descendant will defeat satan / the devil and sin. (Genesis 3:15) Gods promise to Abraham: I will bless you and in your seed (descendant) I will bless all nations (Genesis 12: 3) Gods promise to king David: your son will be My son, He will be king forever! (II Samuel 7, II Chronicles 17 – this was not in our program) Substitute sacrifices: the animal for Adam and Eve, the ram for Isaac, the passover lamb for the firstborn,… Lives of people foreshadowed that of Jesus , e.g. Joseph Humble beginnings, but high expectations (big dreams!) Dreams  he was hated, “killed” by his brothers He was falsely accused (Potiphar’s wife), sent to prison, forgotten: his character was severely tested Everywhere, he became the number 1 (Potiphar, prison, Egypt)! He forgave those who wronged him, as “it was part of Gods plan”

3 The New Testament: 27 “books”
4 Gospels (descriptions of the life of Jesus) Acts (what happened after Jesus’ death and resurrection) Some 14 letters of Paul Other letters (Peter, James, John, Judas) Revelation (a vision that God gave to the apostle John) THE GOSPELS: 3 ‘synoptic’ gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) Gospel of John Only Matthew and Luke describe Jesus’ birth. Matthew writes from Joseph’s perspective, Luke writes from Mary’s perspective.

4 the Promised One The birth of the promised deliverer
The Hope, chapter 8 online in English or in Chinese or in Chinese with English subtitles on DVD The birth of the promised deliverer At the time of Jesus’ birth Israel was controlled by the Roman empire under Caesar Augustus. Jesus was born in approximately 4 B.C. Read Matthew 1: (after a quick glimpse on 1:1-17) What is the meaning of Jesus’ name? Does Jesus’ birth fit in with the Old Testament? What’s in a name? Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. How does the story testify about Mary being a virgin? Is it important?

5 the Promised One The birth of the promised deliverer
Read Matthew 2:1-12 Again: does Jesus’ birth fit in with the Old Testament? It is very special that scientists know of the birth of the King of the Jews. In what way does this make sense? Why was Jesus hated? How was Jesus’ character tested ?

6 LUKE 1:5-4:13 An Angel Tells about the Birth of John (1,5-25)
An Angel Tells about the Birth of Jesus (1,26-38) Mary Visits Elizabeth / Mary's Song of Praise 46-56 The Birth of John the Baptist (1,57-66) Zechariah Praises the Lord (1,67-80) The Birth of Jesus (2,1-7) / The Shepherds (2,8-21) Simeon Praises the Lord (2,22-35) Anna Speaks about the Child Jesus (2,36-38) Return to Nazareth (39-40) / Boy Jesus in Temple (41-52) The Preaching of John the Baptist (3,1-20) The Baptism of Jesus (21-22) / Ancestors of Jesus (23-38) Jesus and the Devil (4,1-13)

7 Copy of slide 2. Do you recognize how the yellow parts apply to Jesus (either partly or completely)?
The first promise of a Deliverer to Adam and Eve: your descendant will defeat satan / the devil and sin. (Genesis 3:15) Gods promise to Abraham: I will bless you and in your seed (descendant) I will bless all nations (Genesis 12: 3) Gods promise to king David: your son will be My son, He will be king forever! (II Samuel 7, II Chronicles 17 – this was not in our program) Substitute sacrifices: the animal for Adam and Eve, the ram for Isaac, the passover lamb for the firstborn,… Lives of people foreshadowed that of Jesus , e.g. Joseph Humble beginnings, but high expectations (big dreams!) Dreams  he was hated, “killed” by his brothers He was falsely accused (Potiphar’s wife), sent to prison, forgotten: his character was severely tested Everywhere, he became the number 1 (Potiphar, prison, Egypt)! He forgave those who wronged him, as “it was part of Gods plan”

8 The temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4: 1-11)
Jesus as a child Satan tried to destroy God’s plan by killing the Bethlehem babies What did God do to protect Jesus? (Matthew 2: 13-15) The baptism of Jesus John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way for Jesus. Why did John baptize? (Mark 1: 1-5) What happened to Jesus at his baptism? (Mark 1: 9-11) The temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4: 1-11) How was Jesus tempted, just as we are – but without sin? How did Satan try to destroy God’s plan? Discuss the spiritual warfare that is going between the Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Satan. Read from Luke 1: (“annunciation”) 1:68-75 (Zacharias’ worship); 2: (Simeon) 2: (Jesus at age 12) 3: (Jesus’ baptism)

9 Jesus had very humble beginnings (“…(Mary)… laid him in a manger, because there was no place for him in the inn” – Luke 2:7) In what way(s) is Jesus different from other Kings / Princes ? In what way(s) is Jesus like other Kings / Princes ?

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