“I am confident….” Phil 1:6. Paul knew hardships… He had been beaten, stoned, shipwrecked bitten by a viper, defamed by believers… He had been beaten,


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Presentation transcript:

“I am confident….” Phil 1:6

Paul knew hardships… He had been beaten, stoned, shipwrecked bitten by a viper, defamed by believers… He had been beaten, stoned, shipwrecked bitten by a viper, defamed by believers… And now, chained to a Roman soldier, in confinement, he writes “I am confident…” And now, chained to a Roman soldier, in confinement, he writes “I am confident…”  (His confidence in God was the source of joy in his life. The word “joy” is used 26x in Philippians)

Saul knew God… His knowledge of the written Word gave him knowledge of God… His knowledge of the written Word gave him knowledge of God… Is32:17 “…and the work of righteousness will be quietness & confidence forever” Is32:17 “…and the work of righteousness will be quietness & confidence forever” Prov3:5-8, – trust, acknowledge, fear of the Lord. “For the Lord will be your confidence & keep your foot from being caught” Prov3:5-8, – trust, acknowledge, fear of the Lord. “For the Lord will be your confidence & keep your foot from being caught”

Paul encounters the “living” God Acts 9:4 “…Saul, why are you persecuting Me? I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” Acts 9:4 “…Saul, why are you persecuting Me? I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” Gal 1:12 “For I neither received it (the gospel) from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it thru a revelation of Jesus Christ” Gal 1:12 “For I neither received it (the gospel) from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it thru a revelation of Jesus Christ”  To know vs to have it revealed  Revelation gives spiritual sight  Jn 16:16 (seeing vs seeing!)

Our encounter w/the living God. Eph 3:6 – Christ is faithful as the Son. We are in Christ. Our confidence is in Christ’s faithfulness, in us, to us and through us. Eph 3:6 – Christ is faithful as the Son. We are in Christ. Our confidence is in Christ’s faithfulness, in us, to us and through us. Heb 4:16 – We can draw near to the throne of grace because of our confidence in Christ and the work of the cross. Heb 4:16 – We can draw near to the throne of grace because of our confidence in Christ and the work of the cross.

The facts vs the truth… 1 Jn 5:19 – The whole world lies in the power of the evil one 1 Jn 5:19 – The whole world lies in the power of the evil one Eccl.4:9-12 – “Two are better than one…” Eccl.4:9-12 – “Two are better than one…”  Mutual effort, support, encouragement,strength Eph 3:12 – Don’t lose heart at tribulations. We have confident access to God thru Christ Eph 3:12 – Don’t lose heart at tribulations. We have confident access to God thru Christ 1 Jn 4:17 -We can remain confident right to the very end because we know God loves us 1 Jn 4:17 -We can remain confident right to the very end because we know God loves us

The challenge…. Will you put your confidence in what you see, or in what you see? Will you put your confidence in what you see, or in what you see? When life gets down & dirty, who ya gonna call? When life gets down & dirty, who ya gonna call?  (No, it’s not the ghostbusters!)

The encouragement… I will call upon the Lord (women echo) I will call upon the Lord (women echo) Who is worthy to be praised (w.e.) Who is worthy to be praised (w.e.) So shall I be saved from my enemies(w.e.) So shall I be saved from my enemies(w.e.) The Lord liveth, and blessed be the Rock and may the God of my salvation be exalted (sing in unison 2x) The Lord liveth, and blessed be the Rock and may the God of my salvation be exalted (sing in unison 2x)

The encouragement… Heb 3:14, 10:35 “For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold fast to our confidence until the end;therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward” Heb 3:14, 10:35 “For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold fast to our confidence until the end;therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward” 1 Jn 5:14 “ And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us!” 1 Jn 5:14 “ And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us!”