Care Matters Celebration Event 25 th February 2008 Children Looked After LACES Care Leavers NE14Reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Care Matters Celebration Event 25 th February 2008 Children Looked After LACES Care Leavers NE14Reading

“Show Me How I Matter” Fun Pride Talents Aspirations Valuing achievements, big and small Doing your best and being noticed

Care Matters – “Time for Change” Help children and young people feel good about themselves Make sure children and young people feel wanted and cared for A “Pledge”

The Activities Tee shirt printing Bands and music Schools Music Service Health of CLA Nurses Participation and Young People’s Panel Actress, Premier League footballer……

… and Higher education Information for children, young people and carers Libraries services Integrated Youth Services Poetry … others

Care Matters “Most of all, in the future we want people who have been in care to be able to say: “I was proud to be in care” ”