WHI.5c Citizenship & Democracy in Ancient Greece


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Presentation transcript:

WHI.5c Citizenship & Democracy in Ancient Greece

WHI.5b Review What key term does this describe? Stories that were used to explain natural phenomena, human qualities and life events What type of religion was Greek Mythology Monotheistic, polytheistic, non-theistic, henotheistic etc..? Name a Greek god or goddess and describe one important characteristic/trait/story about them

Essential Questions How did democracy develop in Athens? How did Sparta differ from Athens?

Essential Understandings Classical Athens developed the most democratic system of government the world had ever seen, although not everyone could participate in decision making Became a foundation for modern democracies

Essential Understandings Contrasting philosophies of government divided the Greek city- states of Athens (democracy) and Sparta (oligarchy).

Social Structure & Citizenship of the Greek Polis Citizens (free adult males) had political rights and the responsibility of civic participation in government Women and foreigners had no political rights Slaves had no political rights

Athens Stages in the evolution of Athenian government Monarchy: ruling power in the hands of one person, usually a king Aristocracy: ruling power in hands of small group of members of nobility Tyranny: ruling power in hands of one person who is not a lawful king Democracy: citizens share in the ruling power

Types of Greek Governments In your assigned group, read about your specific type of government Complete the corresponding section in the notes Share your responses with the class Everyone should have a completed worksheet after sharing with the class

Athens: Tyrants Who Worked for Reform Draco Solon First legislator (lawgiver) in Athens First written law in Greece Constitution of Athens Known for harshness Athenian lawmaker, statesman and poet Focused on Athenian reform Ended Aristocratic control of Athenian government Laid foundations for Athenian Democracy

Athens: Origin of Democratic Principles Direct Democracy: every citizen can vote on every issue Public Debate: any free man could speak in the Assembly and vote on a new law or a proposal to go to war Duties of Citizen: expected to be an informed and active member of the city- state

Sparta Oligarchy: rule by a small group Rigid social structure Council of Elders Rigid social structure Militaristic and aggressive society

Life in Two City-States: Athens & Sparta In your assigned group, read your assigned section about Athens or Sparta Complete that column on the notes Be prepared to share your notes with the class Everyone should have a completed chart after sharing