Asst. Prof. Dr. SAOWALUCK YAMMUEN-ART Department of Animal and Aquatic Science Faculty of Agriculture Chiang Mai University Feed Composition 356202.


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Presentation transcript:

Asst. Prof. Dr. SAOWALUCK YAMMUEN-ART Department of Animal and Aquatic Science Faculty of Agriculture Chiang Mai University Feed Composition

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 2 Feed Composition Feed Water Dry Matter (DM) Organic Matter (OM) Inorganic Matter (Ash) Crude Protein (CP) Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) Ether Extract (EE) Crude Fiber (CF) Drying Incineration

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 3 FunctionNutrients Maintenance Growth Production Reproduction Classification of nutrients by function Ener gy sourc e Nonfuel Substance * Water * Minerals * Vitamins Chemical regulation * Carbohydr ate * Fat * Protein

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 4 Composition of some feedstuffs & animal products Water DM CF NFE EE CP Ash Fresh basis or as fed basis (%) Baby corn husk Corn grain Rice bran Soybean meal Sunflower seed Fish meal Bone meal Milk

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 5 Water DM CF NFE EE CP Ash Dry matter basis (%) Baby corn husk Corn grain Rice bran Soybean meal Sunflower seed Fish meal Bone meal Milk Composition of some feedstuffs & animal products

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 6 Factors Affecting Forage Nutritive Value Maturity Age (Weeks) Digestibi lity Crude Protein ADFLignin

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 7 Chemical compositopn of napier grass at diferent stage of maturity (DM basis) AgeyieldDMCPNDFLignin (day) (kgDM) % %DM 301,674.6 b a 64.0 b 2.65 b 40 1,747.8 a b 64.4 b 2.80 b 50 1,628.0 b c 65.9 a 2.97 a

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 8 Leaf blades, leaf sheaths and stems MeanRangeVarietal effect Leaf blade NDF (% OM) ** DNDF (%) *** Lignin (% OM) ** Leaf sheath NDF (% OM) ** DNDF (%) *** Lignin (% OM) NS Stem NDF (% OM) ** DNDF (%) * Lignin (% OM) ***

Department of Animal and Aquatic Science, CMU 9 Body weight Water Fat Protein Ash (kg) (%) New born cattle Weanling calf Feeder steer Very fat steer Breeding cow Body composition of cattle at different weight and age, ingesta free (empty) basis