Year 10 Study Day Objectives To be Ready To Learn for GCSEs How not to get behind Practical techniques for revision.


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Presentation transcript:

Year 10 Study Day Objectives To be Ready To Learn for GCSEs How not to get behind Practical techniques for revision

Key Messages Mr Brophy - Deputy Headteacher

Pupil Activity- paper and pens required What are the barriers to your learning? - what stops you working well in class and doing homework. Silence and then what can you do differently in pairs? ( Think/pair/share) By end of this lesson you will have solutions.

What techniques can we use to boost our learning? Improving your organisation Mind mapping Pomodoro Technique Metacognition Response to feedback-green pen Review Every Day Revise over time - not just the night before Be resilient and determined to learn and succeed

The Organisation Cycle Preparing for school – have I got everything I need? Have I got all the equipment I need? (pens, pencil, ruler, books, planner, PE kit) Using my planner (timetable, logins/passwords, notes home, homework) Show My Homework Completing homework (routine, best environment for you) Preparing for school – cycle begins again

WHAT ARE RTL AND ATL? ATTITUDE TO LEARNING – ATL The quality of behaviour, homework and class work. READY TO LEARN – RTL Preparedness for learning – uniform, equipment, punctuality, homework.

What IS the objective of the RTL system? To raise standards of Homework Uniform Bringing equipment Punctuality across school – These are generally good, but are they the best they can be?

The RTL System Every pupil starts with 10 points. Pupils must have a point (or points) taken off by staff for not following any of these 4 criteria. These are: Arriving late to class – WITHOUT GOOD REASON Not having the correct equipment – eg. exercise book, planner, pen, pencil, ruler Incorrect uniform – not following the uniform policy No homework presented – if no homework is handed in on the day set.

Show My Homework Use your planner with SMHW Check every night Plan what homework is being done Year 10, minimum of 1 and a half hours per night and 2 hours at week end. More near exams time and by Year 11, 2 hours per night Every day and week review your learning

Benefits of Mind Maps A mind map is brilliant for planning an essay. Once you have a structure, you can mind map to include all of the details you need. Then, you can write up the essay based on your mind map!

Example of mind map

Activity Using the Mind Map about Health, you will now spend 10 minutes writing an essay using the information from the slide. For example, you could begin with: There are many different ways that you can look after your health. One of these is to exercise. When you exercise it is very important to warm up so you do not injure yourself. …….

Time Management Pomodoro Technique The steps to implementing the Pomodoro Technique Have your planner and equipment on the desk Make a list of tasks/ homework to be done Decide on the first task to be done Set the Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes Work on the task until the timer rings Take a short break of 5 minutes, have a drink or a snack Set the Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes again and complete another task

Pomodoro Timer App

Activity You are now going to create a Mind Map based on what you have learned so far in your different subjects from the start of Year 10. You will do this activity using the Pomodoro technique. Pay attention to the example being presented!

Other Techniques Revision Cards Post it notes around your room Oral learning/ testing at home Use your text book/revision guide/exercise book Use the Revision Plans you will be given for mocks and GCSEs. DO NOT RELY ON REVISION LESSONS

Metacognition: thinking about thinking In order for you to progress in your learning you need to be aware of how you learn. This is important as when you know how you learn best – once you know this you can boost your learning.

Support in school Ask your teacher immediately for help You can get equipment such as pens, pencils, rulers and rubbers from the library Use of resources in school such as the library, computers, printing can be paid for. Talk to your form tutor or HOY or Mrs Livesey

Plenary At the beginning of the session we talked about the barriers to your learning. What are the barriers to your learning? What have you learned from today’s session? What will you now do differently? How can you eliminate any barriers in order to ensure that you make your studies a success.