Keeping the Faith Using Catholic schools and Parish Programs to Give Students More than the Three R’s
What we will cover: What do we know about youngsters? What do we know about how they learn? What can we teach them? What challenges do we face? How will we help them to “keep the faith”?
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Learning Pyramid Average Retention Rate Lecture % Reading % Audio-visual % Demonstration % Discussion Group % Practice by Doing % Teach Others/Immediate Use of Learning %
Differentiated Learning: 8 Intelligences Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Musical Spacial Bodily-Kinesthetic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Natural
Many ways of Knowing Linguistic: ability to think in words Logical-mathematical: ability to quantify, deduce, infer structure Musical: ability to think in terms of rhythm, music Spacial:ability to think in terms of representation Kinesthetic: ability to know by manipulating Interpersonal: ability to know by sharing Intrapersonal: ability to know by reflection Natural: ability to know by in context
Reality Check: 1.What did you just hear that you want to remember? 2.How can you use this knowledge?
“We are waiting for the eternity in us to be made clear.”
What do we know about what they believe? 91% believe bread & wine become Body & Blood of Christ 62% take seriously the pronouncements of the Pope 77% say they can be good Catholics without going to church 56% say that they can be good Catholics without donating time or money to help the poor. 93% believe that Jesus was the Son of God 55% believe that the Catholic Church is the “one true church” 72% believe that you can be a good Catholic & not agree with Church teaching on birth control, 65% disagree with Church teaching on divorce & remarriage, 53% say you can disagree with Church teaching on abortion.
How Important is Religion? Source: 2007 Pew Research Survey (USA Today 9/29/07)
Areas of Experience: The Word of God Christian Community Prayer and Liturgy Service Orthodoxy People of God A sense of the sacred space Use of the imagination Challenge of the Faith
The Word of God Study of the Bible Place of Scripture in our tradition Relation of Scripture to life WWJD
The experience of Christian Community “All are welcome” “…one mind, one heart…” Fellowship Retreats Personal responsibility Forgiveness Catholic culture
The Experience of Meaningful Prayer and Liturgy Instruction and practice of meditation Meaning of Christian living Sense of the sacred Sacramentality Importance of liturgy/communal prayer
The experience of service “Faith without good works is dead.” Formation for ministry Church social teaching Global concern Sense of responsibility
Orthodoxy Not our opinion Knowledge of Church teaching What it means to be Catholic “the whole ball of wax”
The experience of people of God Mature adults doing ministry Example of teachers Study of heroes What it means to be the “people of God”
The Sense of the Sacred Sacred spaces Ritual Sacramentals A sense of “awe and amazement” Making sense of their stories: e.g. “Unanswered Prayers”
Use of the Imagination Use of the “inner media” God in the hard times of their lives Imaginative theophanies: challenges
The Challenges of our Faith The challenge of idealism The challenge of quotidian Catholicism The challenge of spiritual vs. religious Engagement of the culture
What do we face? More children with special needs; Parents/families/generation X; Lack of a consensus on Catholic identity and culture; Engaging the culture; Rise of the radicals/atheists.
Finally…. Given our own experience, much of what our children learn and experience in Catholic school or parishes will determine their attitude and practice as adults. How will we, as a Church, continue to educate and form our students as they mature so that they will be able to “keep the Faith?” What kinds of experiences can we provide so that, when they try to explain their years in Catholic school or parish programs,our students will be forced to say, “You had to be there!”
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The Experience of Knowing US Persons called to ministry; Persons with a mentality of abundance Persons of impeccable character Persons of prayer
For reflection and discussion: How will we make our schools and classrooms forgiving places? How will we cultivate a sense of “connection”? How will we engender a belief in the communion of saints? How will we make our schools truly welcoming?
For reflection and discussion: Given the scarcity of clergy, who will continue to provide meaningful liturgies to our students? How will we encourage students to appreciate the sacramentality of life? How will we emphasize the centrality of Eucharist? How will we encourage students to pray?
For reflection and discussion: How will we teach that “faith without good works is dead”? How will we provide experiences for students to appreciate the global concern to which the Church calls us? How will we teach social justice? How will we discover where our students will meet Jesus?
For reflection and discussion: How will we provide orthodox instruction in the teachings of the Catholic Church? How will we encourage students to read Church documents? How will we encourage students to take stands on issues of justice and peace? How will we help students to tackle difficult issues in the Church?
For reflection and discussion: How will we inspire students to be ministers by their baptism? How will we train students to be the “leaven in the mass?” How will we encourage students to follow their vocation? How will we convince students that “you make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give”?
For discussion and reflection How will we create sacred spaces? How will we engender a sense of “awe and amazement” with a generation that is jaded? How will we provide opportunities for students to tell their faith stories?
For discussion and reflection How will we foster the use of children’s imaginations? How will we inspire students?
For Reflection and Discussion: How will we teach Scripture as the connection between God and God’s people? How will we make Scripture relevant? How will we relate Jesus’ life, as related in Scripture, Relevant to students’ lives?