11. What is the destiny of all people? Discovering the Bible Class 8.


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Presentation transcript:


What is the destiny of all people? Discovering the Bible Class 8

3 OpenerOpener What happens after death according to... ❖ Muslims (Islam) ❖ Mormons ❖ Buddhists ❖ Atheists

4 IntroductionIntroduction Over the next 4 weeks... ❖ Where did the Bible come from? ❖ Where did the universe come from (Creation)? ❖ Why is there death, sickness, disease, suffering, and crime in the world today (Corruption)? ❖ What evidence is there that the earth was completely covered with water? (Catastrophe)? 4

5 IntroductionIntroduction Over the next 4 weeks... ❖ Where did all the races of people all over the earth come from (Confusion)? ❖ Who is this man called Jesus (Christ)? ❖ What makes Jesus different than other prophets and teachers in the past (Cross)? ❖ What is the final destiny of all people? (Consummation)? 5

6 IntroductionIntroduction Lesson Objectives ❖ 8.1Define attributes of Jesus’ resurrected Body. ❖ 8.2State where Jesus is at right now. ❖ 8.3Describe briefly Jesus’ teachings to the two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. ❖ 8.4Compare our first body to the resurrected Body. ❖ 8.5State the purpose of the Church today. 6

7 IntroductionIntroduction Lesson Objectives ❖ 8.6Describe the future of the Church. ❖ 8.7Compare and contrast the role of Jesus in his first coming to that of his second coming. ❖ 8.8Describe the events leading to the end this age and the beginning of the next age. ❖ 8.9Explain the major storyline of the Bible as a whole. 7

8 IntroductionIntroduction Turn to page 75 and answer the questions 1 through 4 for review of the content from last week.

9 [26,69] Read John 6: What did Jesus say is the “Work of God?” [27,69] Read John 3:16. What does God promise for those who believe in Jesus? The Work of God

10 [28,69] Read Mark 8:31. Who was going to kill Jesus? Isaiah 53:5 ❖ But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. Jesus Predicts His Death

11 [29,69] The religious leaders in Jesus day were extremely jealous of Jesus and the following that had gathered around him. They were trying everything they could do to get rid of him. Finally, they came up with a plan to murder him and they carried this plan out using bribery, lies, and deception. Jesus Predicts His Death

12 [30,70] Read Mark 15: What did the people decide to do with Jesus? [31,70] Read Mark 15:22-25, What did Jesus ask His Father? The Death of Jesus 12

13 [32,70] There are two ways to satisfy God’s wrath against sin: ❖ To have a finite sinful being (humans) experience a finite punishment for an infinite amount of time (being separated from God forever), OR ❖ To have an infinite perfect being (Jesus - God the Son) experience an infinite amount of punishment (God the Father turning his back on Jesus) for a finite amount of time. The Death of Jesus

14 [33,70] Read John 19: According to John, what did Jesus say right before He died? The Death of Jesus

15 [34,71] Recall, because of Adam and Eve’s rebellion against God, mankind fell out of relationship with God. This is why we call this “the Fall.” The Death of Jesus

17 [35,71] Because of Jesus perfect obedience to God the Father, He restored the way back to God for man!! The Death of Jesus

19 [36,72] Remember the account of Adam and Eve! God showed mercy to Adam and Eve by killing an animal in their place. Jesus Pictured in the OT

20 [37,72] The Bible says when we believe in Jesus, God puts Jesus’ acceptable righteousness on us and that’s what now makes us acceptable to God! [38,72] Recall the account of Noah’s Ark. There was only one ark and one door by which Noah, his family, and the animals were saved! Jesus Pictured in the OT

22 [39,72] Remember the account of Abraham and Isaac. God provided a ram in Isaac’s place as the sacrifice. Jesus was the lamb that God provided in our place to save us from death. The Death of Jesus

23 [40,72] Also, recall the account of the passover lamb!! Again, Jesus is the lamb whose blood shields us from God’s judgment. Anyone who is covered with Jesus blood is saved - anyone who is not covered with Jesus’ blood is condemned!! 23 The Death of Jesus

24 [40,73] It is by Faith alone in the finished work of Christ alone on the cross that makes you acceptable to God! Where Are You Today?

25 [41,73] Written prophecies about the coming and life of Jesus were given over a span of 1500 years before he came. [42,73] No other prophets or religious leaders had command over the spiritual world, physical world, and death like Jesus. Jesus - The Big Difference

26 [43,73] No other prophets laid down their lives for their followers while their followers rejected them!! (Romans 5:5-8) Jesus - The Big Difference

27 [5,75] Read Mark 15: What happened to Jesus Body after he died on the cross? [6,76] Read Mark 16:1-6. What happened to Jesus on third day after he died? The Resurrection of Jesus

28 [7,76] Read Luke 24: After the eyes of the two disciples were opened, what did Jesus do? [8,76] Read Luke 24: Why did Jesus ask for fish to eat? [9,76] Read Luke 24: What writings did Jesus say spoke of him? The Resurrection of Jesus

29 [10,76] Read Luke 24: What happened to Jesus after giving the “Great Commission” to the disciples? [11,76] Read Acts 1: What did the angels say to the disciples after Jesus ascended? The Resurrection of Jesus

30 [12,77] Read Acts 1:6-8. What question did the disciples ask Jesus? ssion” to the disciples? [13,77] In the same way that John the Baptist was used by God to prepare Israel for the first coming of Jesus, the Church is now being used by God to prepare the entire world for the second coming of Jesus!! Church and Her Purpose

31 [14,77] Read 1 Thessalonians 4: Who will rise to meet Christ first in the air? Church and Her Purpose

32 Review Questions Answer questions on page 77 of your booklet with someone next to you. You have two minutes.

33 [18,78] Read Matthew 24:9-21 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. What are some things that will happen before Jesus returns? [19,78] Read Matthew 24: What will be seen that will cause the nations of the earth to mourn? The Second Coming

34 [20,78] Read Revelation 19:6-9. What marriage is being portrayed here? [21,78] Read Revelation 19:11-16, What happens to the armies that fight against Jesus and His army? The Second Coming

35 [22,78] Read Revelation Revelation 20:1-3. What are names given to the devil in this passage? [23,79] Read Revelation 20:4-6. Who all will reign will Jesus for 1000 years, during the time that Satan is bound? The Second Coming

36 [24,79] Read Revelation 20:7-10. What happened to the armies that rose up against Jerusalem? [25,79] Read Revelation 20: How is everyone judged whose names were not written in the book of life? The Second Coming

37 [26,79] Read Revelation 21:1-5. What happens after Jesus judges all people? The Second Coming

38 Review Questions Answer questions on page 79 of your booklet with someone next to you. You have two minutes.

39 ConclusionConclusion We began looking at the Bible. Answer question 30 on page 80.

40 House Church Sunday Service Men’s Ministry Women’s Ministry Structured Classes Personal Discipling Next Steps


42 Please fill out the survey on page 83 and turn in. Thanks. SurveySurvey