EMBRACE CHANGE CELEBRATE SUCCESS. Giving Comps 2003 - 2012 HIGH OF $344.48 IN 2007.


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Presentation transcript:


Giving Comps HIGH OF $ IN 2007

Giving Comps BY CONTRIBUTING SOURCE Source: The Giving Institute & Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy


Human & Social Services Healthcare Nonprofits Environmental Concerns Animal Welfare Educational Institutions Arts & Humanities Faith-Based Organizations Community Development DonorPro Clients COMPELLING RESULTS DonorPro Clients Average Annual Results Increase in Gift Size Increase in # Active Donors Increase in # Donations 12.93%16.83%18.21% 18.13%35.78%40.98% 6.18%36.06%33.15% 3.38%51.86%52.41% 5.30%19.29%28.48% 46.67%47.39%53.00% 3.18%19.81%16.64% 36.48%26.64%41.56%

Landscape of Philanthropy is Changing NONPROFITS NEED TO KEEP PACE Donor engagement rapidly evolving – Cause-Centric Millennials attach to causes – not individual organizations – Hands On Supporters want greater engagement – Connect where they are 70% of donors prefer to engage online Website36% 28% Facebook6%

Landscape of Philanthropy is Changing NONPROFITS NEED TO KEEP PACE Fastest growing areas of fundraising – Online giving Now 20% of all gifts Easy & Accessible: anywhere, anytime, any device – Grassroots fundraising Peer to peer campaigns have 100% higher response rate Personalized “Friendraising” pages raise 6 times more

Landscape of Philanthropy is Changing NONPROFITS NEED TO KEEP PACE Mobile is a must – Mobile optimized websites, webpages, giving – 91% US Population >13 years old uses mobile devices – Mobile devices now >21% of all web traffic – 99% of text message are read – 5 x’s more likely to respond via mobile


Cause-Centric Campaigns

blast sent to all constituents in database 6PM Wednesday evening By 8AM Thursday morning had 41 gifts for $2,355 By week’s end raised over $4,000 Why successful? – Simple template – blast to all constituents in database – Personal story – Direct & immediate call to action – Fund specific donation page – Immediate thank you – Periodic s to supporters with results Cause-Centric Campaigns BEAVER COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY CAMPAIGN

Mobile Optimized Giving Heinz history center – capture enthusiasm

Able to reach potential donors and members when most engaged Simple to navigate from all mobile devices Very easy for visitor to support Mobile Optimized Giving HEINZ HISTORY CENTER

Grassroots Fundraising Gilda’s club stair climb challenge

Grassroots Fundraising Gilda’s club stair climb challenge Novel Idea Great Promotional Plan – communication – signature block – Website promotion – Newsletters – Brochures – Social media – Campaign committee – Sponsorships – Prime the pump – Contests & prizes – Recognition

Promotional Plan STRATEGY communication – Plan content and schedule in advance – Divide into four buckets Drive supporters to visit your site Coach supporters to fundraise – provide tips Reminders Thank you and follow-up signature blocks – Mandatory for all employees – Provide to volunteers & board members – Platform makes it easy for supporters too

Promotional Plan PROMOTE ONLINE AND OFFLINE Website promotion – Prominent & easy to act – Platform makes it easy for supporters too Brochures – Produce low cost tri-folds in house – Distribute everywhere Social Media – Active promotion increase results by 40% – Give supporters sample posts and tweets – Use it to acknowledge job well done

Promotional Plan OTHER IMPORTANT ELEMENTS Campaign Committee Sponsorships Prime the Pump Contests – Small prizes for achievable goals – Drawing at end of campaign Recognition – Group s – Features in newsletter and/or website – Celebrate milestones

Grassroots Fundraising MACCABI USA Challenge – Raise money to cover costs of 1,100 athletes to attend Maccabiah Games 2013 – 3 rd largest global sporting event – Only 8 total staff members – Previously asked athletes to collect checks plus disorderly process of raffles All donations offline All manual data entry Solution – Online grassroots fundraising model – Establish connection between athletes & nation of donors

Grassroots Fundraising MACCABI USA Implementation – Each team had a fundraising site where each athlete had personal pages – To insure fast start and early adoption – every athlete who signed on in 1 st 30 days received free headphones – Produced simple online guide for each athlete to follow – online fundraising 101 Easily uploaded contact lists & networks to get word out Added link to every signature Promoted site on social media profiles Used personal pages to tell stories through pictures & amateur videos

Grassroots Fundraising MACCABI USA Results – Scrolling list of supporters excited athletes & drove donors – Generated thousands of new prospective donors – Minimal cost ($17,550) and little staff time to implement – Raised $1.2 Million from 8,205 donors – Amazing 6700% ROI

Grassroots & Cause-Based Fundraising 2013 Huffington post – skoll foundation job raising challenge Single cause – raise money & awareness to put Americans back to work Participants – 74 nonprofits with job-creating programs Campaign - used competition/challenge & peer to peer network to raise money – Skoll Foundation put up $250K to be awarded to top three fundraising nonprofits – Raised over $1.5M – 80% of donations <$100 – small donations add up

Your Next Steps PUT THESE IDEAS TO WORK FOR YOU Think about specific programs and/or specific causes around which you can run a simple online campaign Make your website interactive and mobile friendly and make it easy to give from anywhere at anytime Try a grassroots fundraising campaign but make sure you have a solid promotional plan Replicate the challenge backed grassroots fundraising campaign approach in Western PA – Identify important causes to the community – Identify nonprofits with programs that impact the cause – Approach foundations for challenge grants

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