Agricultural Mechanics Industry Careers
Agricultural Engineer –Designs tractors and agricultural machines
Electrician Installs wiring, switches, electric motors, and climate controls such as thermostats and humidistats
Agricultural Mechanic Repairs tractor, truck and other farm equipment engines
Welder Uses welding machines to repair broken metal machinery and to construct metal equipment
Hardware Store Employee »Displays and sells tools, parts, and materials to repair agricultural machinery and equipment
Hardware store
Soil Conservationist Constructs terraces and designs plans to prevent erosion
Drainage and Irrigation System Designer and Installer Plans and installs drainage and irrigation systems for field, turf, landscape, and golf courses
Lawn Irrigation
Lawn Equipment Service Mechanic Repairs lawn tractors, mowers and other lawn and turf equipment
Lawn Equipment
HVAC Heat, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Machinist Turn metal parts
Surveyor Lays out property lines
Plumber Installs water lines
Soil Conservationist Constructs terraces
Architect Draw blueprints
Brickmason Lays concrete block
Small engine mechanic Repairs lawn mowers
Forester Keeps chainsaws and other forestry equipment running
Builder Constructs agricultural buildings and facilities
Bob the Builder
Skills, Personal and Educational Qualifications Need in Agricultural Mechanics
Skills Skills vary from unskilled to highly skilled depending on the career in agricultural mechanics
Skills A materials handler needs few skills, but an inspector needs many skills to check for quality
Materials Handler
Interests and Qualifications Working inside or outside or a combination
Interests and Qualifications Working in a group or alone
Interests and Qualifications Working with people or tools
Interests and Qualifications Working at routine tasks or varying tasks Physical strength to do the job
Educational Qualifications Vary depending on the career
High School High school graduate or less for unskilled entry level jobs
Technical Education For skilled jobs such as a technician
Bachelors, Masters, or Doctors Degree Needed for professional areas such as engineer because of required licenses, paper work, research and teaching
Agricultural Mechanics Industry Careers