WHAT IS ‘the future we want’ ? 1. Two parallel processes at Rio+20 2 1. UN CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2. PEOPLE’S SUMMIT.


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Presentation transcript:

WHAT IS ‘the future we want’ ? 1



3rd Preparatory Committee Meeting ( June) to agree the last version of the draft  difficulty of reaching a consensus  the PrepCom invited Brazil to conduct “preconference informal consultations in its capacity as host country” Official Negotiations UN SUMMIT -HEADS OF STATE (20/22 June): Plenary and adoption of the outcome document


1.2. SIDE EVENTS (13-22 June) More than 500 on-site side events organized by Governments, Major Groups, UN Agencies and other International Organizations. 6

Sustainable Development DIALOGUES


1.4. OUTCOMES: 9 1)“The future we want” Outcome Document 2)700 Voluntary Commitments

“The future we want” Outcome Document pages, 283 paragraphs; -6 sections: I.Our common vision; II.Renewing political commitment; III.Green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; IV.Institutional framework for sustainable development; V.Framework for action and follow-up VI.Means of implementation.

“The future we want” Outcome Document 11 SECTION I: O UR COMMON VISION - Recognizing that poverty eradication, changing unsustainable and promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production, and protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development are the overarching objectives of and essential requirements for sustainable development

“The future we want” Outcome Document 12 SECTION II: RENEWING POLITICAL COMMITMENT Reaffirming the Rio Declaration Principles and past action plans Advancing Integration, Implementation, and Coherence: – strengthen international cooperation (finance, debt, trade and technology transfer); – combat climate change in accordance with UNFCCC; – avoid unilateral trade measure against international law and the UN Charter; – recognised the right of self-determination of peoples and the rights of nature; – encourage relevant stakeholders to facilitate integration of sustainability reporting. Engaging major groups and other stakeholders

“The future we want” Outcome Document 13 SECTION III: GREEN ECONOMY There are “different approaches” and tools available to achieve SD  Green economy is one of the important tools, Guidance on green economy policies: – Reference to Rio Principles and past action plans – national sovereignty over natural resources; – participation by all relevant stakeholders; – sustained and inclusive growth; Sustainable Consumption and Production; – international cooperation on finance; – indigenous peoples and non-market approaches; – poverty eradication (social protection floors).

“The future we want” Outcome Document 14 IV. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: A: Need for an improved institutional framework for SD at the international level (to strengthen the Three Dimensions of SD) B. Strengthening Intergovernmental Arrangements: established a universal intergovernmental high-level political forum (in charge of follow up and review progress in the implementation of sustainable development commitments) C. Environmental Pillar in the Context of SD: UNEP strengthened and upgraded (establishing universal membership in its Governing Council) D. International Financial Institutions and UN Operational Activities asked to include SD in their operations

V. FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION AND FOLLOW-UP : (Within A. Thematic areas and cross-sectoral issues) Poverty eradication – Uneven progress in reducing poverty (especially in least developed countries (LDCs) and Africa)  poverty eradication has highest priority In UN agenda – economic growth and social protection as key elements Promoting full and productive employment, decent work for all, and social protection – Interrelation among poverty eradication, decent work for all, and social protection. – global challenge of youth employment; – safe and decent working conditions/ social protection /education for informal - unpaid workers; – exchange of information and knowledge sharing on decent work and job creation, including green jobs initiatives “The future we want” Outcome Document

B. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Still firmly committed to MDGs but also recognize utility of a set of SDGs (based on Agenda 21 and the JPOI, Rio Principles); SDGs focused on priority areas selected on the Outcome Document; established an intergovernmental process on SDGs  working group will be constituted, to submit a proposal for SDGs to the UNGA; need to assess targets and indicators for SDGs “The future we want” Outcome Document

VI. MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A.FINANCE: need for significant mobilization of resources for SD  established an intergovernmental process to propose a SD financing strategy. B. TECHNOLOGY: importance of access by all countries to environmentally sound techn. (included technology trasfer to developing countries) C. CAPACITY BUILDING: need for enhanced capacity building for SD  UN agencies invited to share knowledge and support cooperation D. TRADE: international trade as engine for SD  need of rule-based, open, trading system “The future we want” Outcome Document

ILO at RIO+20 Green Jobs Programme Awareness raising and lobbying on 9 key messages; Inputs to Zero Draft; input paper for SD Dialogues BEFORE Promoting inclusion of ILO core issues in official negotiations Organizing 2 Side Events: 1) Green Jobs: a chance for youth 2) Decent Work and Social Protection Floors for Sustainable Development Participating to Rio Dialogues DURING Peter Poschen’s comments AFTER

ILO’s VIEW ON RIO STRENGTHENED LINK BETWEEN DECENT WORK AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1992 Agenda 21 calls for measures to promote gainful employment to combat poverty 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development underscored the need to increase employment and income opportunities (compliance with international labour standards and social dialogue) 2012 RIO+20: The world is far from achieving sustainable development, but the advancements made in the current Declaration are encouraging, particularly recognizing that an entire section of the Declaration is devoted to “Promoting full and productive employment, decent work for all, and social protection”

ILO’s VIEW ON RIO AGREED LANGUAGE PERTAINING TO ILO 1) DECENT WORK: several references, recognized as a mean to decrease inequality, promote sustainable livelihoods and a sustainable use of natural resources 2) SOCIAL PROTECTION: several references to social inclusion, social protection and the creation of national social protection floors as a mean to fight poverty (Reference to ILO Recommendation 202) 3) GREEN JOBS: few delegations within the G77 were concerned about the financing and technological requirements needed to create green jobs, while EU strongly supported explicit reference of GJ in the text  A commitment on promoting the exchange of information and knowledge sharing on green jobs was the resulting outcome 4) YOUTH EMPLOYMENT: strong support by all partners 5) SOCIAL DIALOGUE: explicit reference



2.1. Rationale&Objectives WHAT : People’s Summit for Social and Environmental Justice during Rio+20 WHO: Global civil society WHEN: alongside the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (15-22 of June). WHY: According to promoters, between Rio 92 and Rio+20 “the lack of action to overcome social and environmental injustice has frustrated expectations and discredited the UN.”. WHAT FOR: to gather local, regional and global struggles of organized civil society, in order “to transform Rio+20 in an opportunity to address the multiple global crisis and demonstrate the political power of organized people”. 23

2.2. Organization – Autonomous parallel events converging in 5 plenaries; – March on the 20 th of June. – Outcome-documents of the 5 plenaries converging in the General Assembly  Adoption of the Final People’s Summit Declaration. 24

CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES Green economy seen as “Green Capitalism” Difficulty to gather so many social realities/priorities/needs in one document? Controversial issues

GENERAL FRAMEWORK – REJECTION OF UN OUTCOMES – Historical moment of convergence among civil society organizations – Capitalism is the cause of the global crisis, and green economy is nothing but the new expression of it ON EMPLOYMENT -Just Transition -Need to extend the concept of “decent work” to include informal and unpaid work -Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining -Social Protection as a Human Right Final Declaration

V 27 Comments and questions welcomed!! GIULIA MASSOBRIO