Goals for Class To reflect on your philosophy of teaching science. To develop a set of guiding principles for communicating a philosophy of teaching science.


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Presentation transcript:

Goals for Class To reflect on your philosophy of teaching science. To develop a set of guiding principles for communicating a philosophy of teaching science.

Let’s Talk What is a teaching philosophy? Why develop a teaching philosophy?

A Teaching Philosophy is... A system of values by which one lives, as a basic theory, and as a viewpoint. Knowing what you value or believe leads one to solutions to problems. Change happens most constructively when you have a vision for the future. If you live out your values, you become more what one values.

C&W Course Portfolio Philosophy of Teaching Science Intro Reflective Paragraph (Content Area) Explain what a philosophy of teaching is. the purpose of developing a philosophy of teaching Summarize 2-3 sentences that captures the essence of your philosophy of teaching science. Length – Several sentences

C&W Course Portfolio Philosophy of Teaching Science Statement (Artifact) Paragraph 1 –Why do I teach science? Explain several core beliefs about the purpose of science education in the 21 st century. Paragraph 2 –How do students learn science? Paragraph 3 –Explain what you believe about your role as a teacher and student in the process of teaching and learning science.

C&W Course Portfolio Philosophy of Teaching Science Statement (Artifact ) - continued Paragraph 4: –Explain your vision of collaborating with others to plan and implement an exemplary educational program for your students. Paragraph 5 –Briefly explain in a few sentences why you are called to a career as a teacher of elementary or middle level science. What’s in it for you? Other Considerations –Use an inspirational quote. –Cite your sources of your ideas for your vision and guiding principles.

Possible Sources Next Generation Science Standards RIPTS FSEHD Conceptual Framework Bass et. al. textbook Bb Class Presentations

Let’s Collaborate 1.Why teach science? 2.What do you believe about how children learn science? 3.What do you believe about how teachers should teach science? 4.What is your vision of collaborating with others to plan and implement an exemplary educational program for your students.

How to Present 1.A group member will present your group’s response using document camera. 2.Use 8 ½ in x 11 in. paper as a visual aid. for group presentation. Include the assigned question. List group members. Think creatively when creating your “visual aid!” –Draw an image(s) that represent the theme of the question. –Include a relevant quote – inspirational, from a reading, online video or class presentation.

Assign Roles 1.Leader 2.Note-taker 3.Visual Aid Creator 4.Speaker

Let’s Collaborate 1.Why teach science? -Revisit Class 2 – Why Teach Science -Several core beliefs -Long-term implications for teaching science -Immediate implications for teaching science in elementary classrooms -Relate to Next Generation Science Standards -Relate to Bass et. al text (Chapter 1)

Let’s Collaborate 2. What do you believe about how children learn science? -Several principles of learning science. -Relate to theory (e.g., Piaget, Vygotsky, Gardner, Skinner, Bruner) and research (brain research) -Relate to a RIPTS standard.

Let’s Collaborate 3. What do you believe about how teachers should teach science? Tips: -Present several models of teaching science. -Present a few teaching strategies. -Relate to a RIPTS standard. -Relate Feinstein Conceptual Framework – PAR Model.

Let’s Collaborate 4. What is your vision of collaborating with others to plan and implement an exemplary science education program for your students? Tips: -Present several ways to collaborate with others. -Relate to a RIPTS standard.