Activités mentales 1. Prêt Question 1 Calculez -4 + (-5) x 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Activités mentales 1


Question 1

Calculez -4 + (-5) x 3

Question 2

Calculez 9 x 8 – 6 x7

Question 3

(-3) 2

Question 4

- 5 2

Question 5

Calculez 10 4

Question 6


Question 7

Calculez les 2 de 21 3

Question 8

Calculez les 4 de 3 3 5

Question 9

Calculez 4 : 0,5

Question 10

Calculez 98 x 0,1


1) -4 + (-5) x 3 =-4-15 =-19

2) 9 x 8 – 6 x7 = 72-42=30

3) (-3) 2 = (-3) x (-3) = 9

4) -5 2 = - 5 x 5 = - 25

5) 10 4 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 =

6) = =

7) Calculez les 2 de x 21 = 42 =

8) les 4 de 3 = 4 x 3 =

9) 4 : 0,5 = 4 :1 = 4 x 2 = 8 2

10) 98 x 0,1= 9,8