Turbo TAKS Week 2 Lesson 1- Cells Lesson 2- Taxonomy Lesson 3- DNA Lesson 4- Protein Synthesis.


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Presentation transcript:

Turbo TAKS Week 2 Lesson 1- Cells Lesson 2- Taxonomy Lesson 3- DNA Lesson 4- Protein Synthesis

Lesson 1: Cells

2 Types of Cells Prokaryotes- “pro”= no; “kary”- nucleus –DOES NOT CONTAIN A NUCLEUS OR MEMBRANE BOUND ORGANELLES –Example: Bacteria Eukaryotes- “eu”= true; “kary”- nucleus - CONTAINS A NUCLEUS - CONTAINS MEMBRANE-BOUND ORGANELLES - Examples: Plant and Animal


Cell Processes Permeability –Diffusion vs. Osmosis Cell Reproduction –Mitosis vs. Meiosis Photosynthesis –Carbon dioxide + water + sun  glucose + oxygen Cell Respiration –Glucose + Oxygen  Carbon dioxide + water + ATP Storage and Transport

Lesson 2: Taxonomy

Classification The largest and least specific category is a Kingdom Organisms are then placed into more specific groups in a particular order Animals are called by there genus and species name Ex] Panthera pardus or Homo sapiens

Classification Animals most closely related will be in the same levels of classification Test tip: Most closely related organisms will have the same genus!!! GroupDomestic CatLeopardDeer KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassMammalia OrderCarnivora Artiodactyla FamilyFelidae Cervidae GenusFelisPantheraOdocoileus SpeciesFelis cattusPanthera pardusOdocoileus virginianus Which 2 are most closely related? How do you know?

Kingdoms of Life 2 Prokaryotic Kingdoms: Archaebacteria Lives in harsh conditions (without oxygen, extreme temperatures, in different chemical environments) Eubacteria Bacteria found on and around us Remember: makes you sick!

Kingdoms Fungi –Decomposers/ heterotrophic –Mushrooms Protista – Is mush pot kingdom (has characteristics of other 3 eukaryotic kingdoms) –Live in water –Amoebas, paramecium, euglenas –Has pseudopodia, cilia and/or flagella for movement Plantae –Multicellular –Autotrophic –True roots, stems, and leaves Animalia –Multicellular –Motile (able to move) 4 Eukaryotic Kingdoms:

Lesson 3: DNA

Deoxyribonucleic Acid structure C P D C P D C P D P D G P D G P D T P D A P D T P D A P D G Nucleotide Nucleotides- the building blocks of DNA Nitrogen Base Phosphat e group Deoxy- ribose There are four kinds of nitrogen bases, so there are four kinds of nucleotides... Adenine,Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine

Cytosine pairs with Guanine... C P D P D G Adenine pairs with Thymine. P D T P D A Because of its chemical properties, DNA is shaped like a Double Helix (twisted ladder)

NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE The order of the nucleotides forms the unique genetic code for the organism. The more closely related two organisms are, the more alike the order of their nucleotides will be.

DNA replication –DNA makes a copy of its self Mutation –A change in the sequence of nucleotides –Can happen in any cell, but only can be passed on to offspring if occurs in gamete cells

Lesson 4: Protein Synthesis

DNA Replication Copying a DNA molecule is called REPLICATION (A = T; C = G) This is needed for mitosis and meiosis

Transcription DNA codes for proteins. The Order of the nucleotides is the code for which protein will be made. Making a copy of RNA from DNA is TRANSCRIPTION (A = U; C=G) Occurs in the nucleus

Translation The message on the RNA is read by ribosomes that translate that message into a protein Occurs in the cytoplasm on ribosomes

Genetic Code Based on mRNA sequence Every three letters (codons) is an amino acid Ex] CCC codes for Proline