Chapter 3 How to Write a Composition Lecture 2: How to Write a Persuasive Essay.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 3 How to Write a Composition Lecture 2: How to Write a Persuasive Essay

Contents 1. Tips for Writing 2. Formula ( Practice )

1. Tips Make clear your thesis at the beginning Give useful supporting facts Conclude your essay with a forceful restatement of the thesis Examples: I-6, p193 Cause & Effects: I-8, p252 Comparison & Contrast: II-1,p29 Inductive generalization: II-4, p125 Deductive analysis: Logical coherence: II-6, p202

Establish authority (For example, to quote experts or show that you have read widely about the subject by referring to information gathered from scientific literature)

Make concessions (i.e. you need to show your reader that you have considered the opposing side’s point of view. A concession demonstrates that you have taken into consideration the counterargument, but still believe your argument is stronger.)

2. Formula 1. 立论和驳论: 立论是正面阐述自己的观点,说明它是正确 的,从而把论点建立起来,以 “ 立 ” 为主。 驳论是作者证明对方的观点是错误的,从而 驳倒对方,以 “ 驳 ” 为主。 四级考试议论文命题一般给出两种截然相反 的观点,然后规定论点或让考生选择一种论 点,因此可以按如下套路来写。

开头段 It is commonly believed that …, but I wonder whether this argument is well grounded. We are often told these days that…, but is this really the case?

Recently, the problem of…has aroused public concern. Some people believed that …, but others hold that …. As to me, I am on the first/second side of the argument. (i.e. I support the first/second argument.) The reasons are as follows:

There is no agreement among people as to the issue of… Some people hold that… while others hold that … From my point of view, it is more advisable to support the first/ second opinion rather than the second/first one.

结尾段 Since there so many advantages to do A/B, it is not difficult to understand why I… From what has been discussed above, we may safely conclude that… Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably draw a conclusion that…

展开段 A: 立论 套路 1 : Some people believe that ______ (1 st opinion). Others believe that ________ (2 nd opinion). I agree with the former/latter point of view. That is ____(the author’s opinion). First, _________ (1 st reason). Second, ______(2 nd reason). Finally, __________ (3 rd reason). In conclusion, ________________ (the author’s conclusion).

Class work: Practice Should Firecrackers Be Banned?

套路 2 : When asked about ________ (the issue under discussion), different people have different opinions. Some like to _______ ( 1 st opinion) while others prefer to _________(2 nd opinion). As to me, I will choose _______(the author’s opinion). The reasons for this can be listed as follows: Firstly, _______________________ (1 st reason). Besides,__________ (2 nd reason). Last but not least, ___________ (3 rd reason). Therefore, based on the above discussion, it is not difficult to conclude why I _______ (the author’s conclusion).

Class work: practice Where to Live---in the City or the Country?

B :驳论 套路 1 : A recent survey indicates that ________ (result of survey). Some people take the view that ______ (1 st opinion). Others, however, don’t think so. They believe that ________ (2 nd opinion). As to me, I am for the first opinion. Of course, ________ (the aspects in which the second is right), but this is not to say that _______ (the author’s reason). Besides, the second argument fails to consider the fact that __________ ( example). In conclusion, the second view cannot hold water. It is my contention that ____________(the author’s conclusion).

Class work: practice Should College Students Be Encouraged to Take Part-time Jobs? 25% 有人支持 有人反对 我的看法

套路 2 : Some people hold that ________ (1 st opinion). However, other people take the view that ______ (2 nd opinion). As to me, I am for the first one. First, while it is true that (1 st aspect in which the second opinion is right ), this is not to say that ______ (author’s argument). Second, _________ (2 nd aspect in which the second opinion is right.) But, ___________ (author’s argument). Therefore, the second opinion cannot bear much analysis. In a word, ________________ (the author’s conclusion).

Homework: Private Car in China 1. 有人认为在中国应大力发展私车 2. 有人反对 3. 我的看法(支持第一种观点)