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Growth Mindset Parent Forum Chelmondiston CEVC Primary School 2 nd February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Growth Mindset Parent Forum Chelmondiston CEVC Primary School 2 nd February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth Mindset Parent Forum Chelmondiston CEVC Primary School 2 nd February 2016

2 Aims: To give background and context to our Growth Mindset Initiative To explore the basic principles of Fixed and Growth Mindset To discuss strategies you can use at home to help your child to develop a Growth Mindset

3 Why Growth Mindset? School focus on improving behaviour Improvements to behaviour across the school Refocus now on learning behaviours Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset research is well-respected and gaining influence. Holbrook Academy and Peninsula Schools working on this initiative

4 Let’s watch a short clip. Nobody is born ‘clever’. With the right amount of effort, practice and commitment, you can learn anything.

5 Growth Mindset – The Theory Carol Dweck is the founder of the original mindset research. Dweck is one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of motivation and is a Professor of Psychology. Her research focuses on why people succeed and how to foster success and motivation.

6 Mindset:FixedGrowth Your belief:Intelligence is a fixed trait. Intelligence is cultivated through learning. Your priority:Look smart, not thick. become smarter, through learning. You feel smart:Achieving easy, low effort successes and outperforming others. Engaging fully with new tasks, exerting effort, stretching and applying skills. You avoid:Effort, difficulty, setbacks, higher- performing peers. Easy, previously mastered tasks.

7 Time to Reflect Do you recognise these traits in yourself? Do you have a fixed mindset about some things? What kind of mindset do you think your child has? Is it different for different things?

8 Why is Mindset Relevant? We are striving to help children to develop a growth mindset because this leads to learning without limits. It leads to learners that seek challenge and have personal agency. A fixed mindset produces learners that are threatened by the successes of others and addicted to extrinsic reward. They can also fear failure and so avoid challenge. For learners with a growth mindset, it is the learning and the mastery (intrinsic) that are the reward.

9 How to develop a Growth Mindset according to Carol Dweck. Let's watch a short clip

10 This is powerful stuff, so what are we doing about it?

11 Teach the language needed to discuss the process of learning. (Discuss struggle and effort/identify learning attitudes and build resilience.) Children must change the way they see their brains and their ability to learn. This is not fixed. “Don’t practise until you get it right. Practise until you can’t get it wrong.” (Mastery)

12 Pro- Growth Mindset Language When feeding back and talking about learning our language choices are crucial. Making subtle changes to the language we use will cultivate a pro-growth-mindset environment for learning. Promote challenge, praise effort, celebrate struggles and the overcoming of hurdles. Talk in terms of skills, skilled and highly skilled – Note the difference in message – low ability, more able, high ability.

13 F irst A ttempt I n L earning G ive it your all R edo if necessary I gnore giving up T ake time to do it right We will refer to…

14 We will give learners agency and autonomy. We can achieve this through: providing carefully selected challenges * * I can use inverted commas to mark direct speech. * I can use inverted commas to mark direct speech and vary reporting clauses. * I can use inverted commas and either a, ! or a ? To punctuate direct speech. I can use some precise reporting clauses. * I can punctuate and lay out direct speech accurately. I can use precise reporting clauses that develop character.

15 support and encourage when obstacles are faced share experiences overcoming obstacles > to success support and reflect – prompt self-evaluation (can you see small steps of progress towards goal? encourage and reassure – future success in sight facilitate practice We can faciliatate the development of a Growth Mindset TOGETHER

16 Help children to reprogramme their inner voice

17 Key Messages: Focus on process not product Help your child to reprogramme their inner voice using Growth Mindset phrases Be honest about things you find challenging Help your child to embrace challenge and find reward in the process of learning Use the language of positive learning attitudes

18 Question Time

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