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In the age of uncertainty… ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ Charles.

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Presentation on theme: "In the age of uncertainty… ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ Charles."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the age of uncertainty… ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.’ Charles Darwin Change is inevitable – get good at it!

2 -_oqghnxBmY Watch carefully – be prepared to share Children talking about Growth Mindset GROWTH MINDSET

3 Doesn’t it feel great to be so successful!? When I keep falling over, I just laugh! I ask lots of questions I keep practising over and over again I try out lots of different words and sounds Connect your learners with their inner baby I like everyone I meet! I LOVE a challenge © Jackie Beere Associates I’m never, ever going to give up learning to walk Responsive to feedback. Resilient. Risk-taking. Relentless curiosity. Communication skills. Make connections. Responsive to feedback. Resilient. Risk-taking. Relentless curiosity. Communication skills. Make connections. ALL CHILDREN BEGIN LIFE AS BRILLIANT LEARNERS

4 How do you see it? Success and failure are a perception You will always prove yourself right Are you a success? Growth Mindset means you can reframe the world and adjust the picture so that change/growth is possible


6 Mr Men mindsets Fixed mindset Growth mindset Intelligence is a given Intelligence can grow Leads to a desire to want to look smart and therefore develops a tendency to: Leads to a desire to want to learn and therefore develops a tendency to: Avoid challenges as can’t risk failing Embrace challenges willingly Can get defensive or give up too easily Persist in the face of setbacks See effort as fruitless or sign of weakness See effort as the path to mastery Ignore useful negative feedbackLearn from criticism and welcome the feedback. Feel threatened by the success of others, leading to fragile self confidence and relentless perfectionism Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others As a result, may plateau early and not achieve potential As a result, can reach ever higher levels of achievement. Carol Dweck © Jackie Beere Associates

7 And take the steps to learning Grow a growth mindset… growth mindsetgrowth mindset YET!

8 Primitive Emotional Novelty/surprise Humour Music Rhythm/rhyme Love Mystery Stories Passion! Evaluation Reflection Creativity Analysis Fear Anger Threat Anxiety Thinking The learning brain © Jackie Beere Associates Learning transforms your brainbrain JUST GROW IT! 9s4

9 The power of language Awright bro’. Howsya doing? Which phrase is like which creature in the picture and why? Good morning, how are you today? © Jackie Beere Associates

10 Differentiation by DIRT Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time RESPONDING to feedback Re-drafting, reviewing, editing, amending, correcting, adapting, coaching, collaborating Teacher’s oral and written feedback adds powerful progress. Students coach, collaborate, assess giving unconditional support for each other’s progress

11 mNY (Austin’s butterfly) mNY © Jackie Beere Associates Teaching feedback and expecting high quality

12 Maths is too hard for me I’ll never be a good writer I’m not clever enough to do well Can you turn these negative thoughts around? Making mistakes makes me feel stupid I hate it when I get it wrong Change your thinking I love maths because it is so hard it makes my brain grow I will practise and practise until I become a good writer When I get it wrong, I want to learn from it The harder I work the more my brain will grow Making mistakes is an important part of learning

13 Communication skills grow your mindset When you talk, write and listen well you learn more….. Public speaking is the one of the greatest terrors….so a great way to develop resilience

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