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Matt Ernest.  A chimpanzees lifespan is 50 years.  It weighs from 55-110 pounds.  The height of a chimpanzee is 3 to 4 ½ ft. tall.  The habitat of.

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Presentation on theme: "Matt Ernest.  A chimpanzees lifespan is 50 years.  It weighs from 55-110 pounds.  The height of a chimpanzee is 3 to 4 ½ ft. tall.  The habitat of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matt Ernest

2  A chimpanzees lifespan is 50 years.  It weighs from 55-110 pounds.  The height of a chimpanzee is 3 to 4 ½ ft. tall.  The habitat of the chimpanzee is the forest.  Its predators would be humans and leopards.


4  Chimpanzees live in groups called troops then usually have about 30 to 80 individuals.  They sometimes chew on leaves because it makes them absorbent and they use them as a sponge, they dip them into the water and suck out the moisture.

5  They chimpanzee has a thick body with long arms, sort legs and not tall at all.  Most of its body is covered with long black hair, but the face, ears, fingers and toes have no hair on them.

6  They are usually found in the rain forest or the wet savannas.  They do most of there eating and sleeping in the trees.

7  The number of chimpanzees are decreasing because the other animals are killing them.

8  Humans have sent them into the outer space to get recourses.

9  impanzee.html?zenden=2&subsoort_id= 1&bestemming_id=1 impanzee.html?zenden=2&subsoort_id= 1&bestemming_id=1  es/chimpanzees-an-unnatural- history/introduction/2493/ es/chimpanzees-an-unnatural- history/introduction/2493/

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