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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 ? ??

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 ? ??"— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 ? ??

2 This was Nixon ’ s way of easing Cold War tensions 100

3 Détente 100

4 Under Nixon, the US signed an nuclear arms treaty called 200

5 SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) 200

6 This Secretary of State believed that a nation ’ s power should be the main consideration in conducting relations. Name the man and his concept 300

7 Henry Kissinger; realpolitik 300

8 This nation was first visited by Nixon and the US opened full diplomatic relations under Carter 400

9 The People ’ s Republic of China 400

10 As a result of Nixon ’ s diplomacy with China, this nation’s diplomatic status as “Real China” was damaged 500

11 Taiwan 500

12 This document was signed by dozens of countries which called for human rights and self-determination in Europe, improving relations between the Soviet dominated East and NATO dominated West 100

13 Helsinki Accords 100

14 This idea guided Jimmy Carter ’ s foreign policy 200

15 Human Rights 200

16 The Cambodian militants held this ship until a US military operation secured hostages 300

17 SS Mayaguez 300

18 Carter refused to support the passage of the SALT II treaty in Congress as a result of … 400

19 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 400

20 In what South American country did Carter reverse Nixon ’ s support for an oppressive military regime 500

21 Chile 500

22 SDI: What does it stand for and what was it? 100

23 Strategic Defense Initiative; orbital missile shield 100

24 Oliver North sold arms to Iran for these two reasons 200

25 Secure the release of hostages and provide funding for the Contras in Nicaragua 200

26 What weapon did Reagan unilaterally decide to provide to the Mujhadeen in Afghanistan 300

27 Stinger (Handheld Surface to Air) Missile 300

28 What key contributions towards ending the Cold War is Reagan credited with (Other than SDI) 400

29 Shifting away from containment and détente to opposing the Soviet Union politically and economically; increasing the arms race to provide pressure while openly meeting with Gorbachev 400

30 How did George H.W. Bush react to the revolutions in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Berlin Wall 500

31 He cautiously congratulated new governments and provided minimal aid. He did not want to push Moscow into a drastic response 500

32 Site of the unsuccessful student demonstrations in Beijing in 1989 100

33 Tiananmen Square 100

34 This country had a history of taking American hostages under both Carter and Reagan 200

35 Iran 200

36 Name three leaders of the Soviet Union 1917-1989 300

37 Lenin, Rykov, Stalin, Malenkov, Krushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev 300

38 First female British Prime minister whose conservative domestic/economic policies and foreign policy were similar to Reagan ’ s 400

39 Margaret Thatcher 400

40 Before getting involved in politics, what was Jimmy Carter’s occupation? 500

41 Peanut Farmer 500

42 Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev implemented new policies of “ openness ” and began to restructure the Soviet government and economy, known respectively as 100

43 Glasnost; Perestroika 100

44 In 1989, this symbolic structure was torn down, signaling the end of communism in Europe 200

45 The Berlin Wall 200

46 Elected as Russian president in 1989, this man put down a coup attempt in Moscow in 1991 300

47 Boris Yeltsin 300

48 Why did communism in the Soviet Union collapse? 400

49 Failing economy; ethnic strife; War in Afghanistan; economic and political reforms 400

50 After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this decentralized union was formed in its place 500

51 Commonwealth of Independent States 500

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