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Cells And Cellular Transport The Cell Theory 1.The cell is the basic unit of structure and function. 2.All organisms are made of one or more cells.

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2 Cells And Cellular Transport


4 The Cell Theory 1.The cell is the basic unit of structure and function. 2.All organisms are made of one or more cells. 3.All cells come from pre-existing cells.

5 This is the human Herpes Virus! Exceptions to the Cell Theory 1.Viruses!! They have DNA and/or RNA inside a protein shell. They are capable of reproduction inside another living cell, but not on their own. 2.Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA and can reproduce inside a cell. 3.Obviously….the first cell.

6 The Cell: Those Who Discovered It Theodor Schwann: Stated that all animals were made of cells. Matthias Schleiden: Stated the all plants were made of cells. What a stretch, eh? Ruldolph Virchow: Stated that all cells come from pre- existing cells. Hmmm…isn’t that the chicken and the egg argument?

7 Levels of Organization Atoms Molecules **Cells** Organelles Tissue ?? Cells with a similar structure and function.

8 Levels of Organization…Continued Organs Organ Systems Organism

9 Types of Cells Prokaryotic Cells The first and most primitive cells Lack a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles (mitochondria, etc) Bacteria are the ONLY prokaryotes Eukaryotic Cells Most organisms have eukaryotic cells (ex: all plant and animal cells!) All genetic material is contained in a nucleus Have many membrane bound organelles

10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Lysosome 13. 14.

12 Cell Organelle Functions Cell Membrane: provides a barrier between the cell and the environment. Vacuole: stores water, minerals and sometimes food. Lysosome: a sac of digestive juices (acts like a stomach). Mitochondria: where cellular respiration takes place, our energy comes from here! Golgi Bodies: “packages” cell material, wraps a membrane around protiens and materials made in the cells.

13 Cell Organelle Functions Centrioles: (ONLY in animal cells) help the cell undergo cellular division, or mitosis. Cytoplasm: jelly like material that fills in the extra space in a cell, also where most of our chemical rxns occur. Ribosomes: site of protein production. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): Transports materials around the cell. Nuclear Membrane: separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell.

14 Cell Organelle Functions Nucleolus: dense part of a nucleus, where RNA is made. Nucleus: stores DNA, controls most cellular activities. Cell Wall: rigid structure around the outside of plant cells to give them structure and support. Chloroplast: site of photosynthesis, makes sugar molecules using sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

15 The Cell Membrane Also called: The Lipid Bi-Layer, Fluid Mosaic Model, And The Plasma Membrane

16 Components of the Cell Membrane MOVIE

17 Just the lipids!

18 Cell Membrane Cross Section This is the Lipid Bilayer. Why does this name fit? This is one of many kinds on proteins embedded in the membrane.

19 Membrane Proteins Marker Proteins: They are like a “name tag” for the cell. Receptor Proteins: A messenger molecule binds to one side of the membrane protein and the message is sent to the other side of the membrane, but the messenger molecule is not. Enzymes: A protein catalyst can be embedded in the plasma membrane to facilitate chemical rxns of the cell.

20 Membrane Proteins Continued… Channel Proteins: These proteins reach through the membrane to both sides. It allows specific molecules to pass from one side of the membrane to the other. YouTube - Cell membrane animation Transport Proteins: Proteins that physically move molecules across the membrane. There are a variety of types!


22 Cellular Transport

23 Passive Transport does NOT require cellular energy (ATP) Active Transport DOES require ATP

24 Diffusion The movement of molecules from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration. The direction of diffusion is called the concentration gradient. This is a form of passive transport.

25 What types of molecules can NOT diffuse?? Even though all molecules seem small to us, they do vary in size a lot! Large molecules can NOT cross the cell membrane! Large molecules must rely on active transport.

26 Cellular Transport Passive Transport does NOT require cellular engery (ATP) Examples: Diffusion Active Transport DOES require ATP

27 Facilitated Diffusion! This is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration without the addition of energy…BUT…there is a protein channel that allows molecules to diffuse faster than normal but still not requiring energy.

28 Cellular Transport Passive Transport does NOT require cellular engery (ATP) Examples: Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Active Transport DOES require ATP

29 Osmosis Osmosis is a special name for the diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane. This is passive transport. A solution that has a HIGHER concentration of water is called hypertonic and will cause cells to swell or burst. A solution that has a LOWER concentration of water is called hypotonic and will cause cells to shrivel.

30 Cellular Transport Passive Transport does NOT require cellular engery (ATP) Examples: Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport DOES require ATP

31 Phagocytosis This is “cell eating”. A cell engulfs (or wraps itself around) a food particle thus creating a food vacuole. This is a type of ACTIVE TRANSPORT! Clip

32 Cellular Transport Passive Transport does NOT require cellular engery (ATP) Examples: Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport DOES require ATP Examples: Phagocytosis

33 Pinocytosis This is “cell drinking”. The cell membrane pinches inward (like a pin poking a hole) and creates a vacuole of dissolved particles. This is a type of ACTIVE TRANSPORT! Clip

34 Cellular Transport Passive Transport does NOT require cellular engery (ATP) Examples: Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport DOES require ATP Examples: Phagocytosis Pinocytosis

35 Membrane Proteins Using Cellular Energy

36 Cellular Transport Passive Transport does NOT require cellular energy (ATP) Examples: Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport DOES require ATP Examples: Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Use of membrane proteins (ex: transport proteins)

37 Moving Molecules Against the Concentration Gradient The sodium ions are more highly concentrated on the inside of the cell. With the help of ATP, the sodium ions are still pumped back into the cell (against the concentration gradient).

38 Cellular Transport Passive Transport does NOT require cellular energy ATP) Examples: Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport DOES require ATP Examples: Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Use of membrane proteins (carrier proteins, etc) Moving molecules from low to high concentration

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