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Cell Unit Test Review CP Biology (L1).

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1 Cell Unit Test Review CP Biology (L1)

2 Scientists: Matching: Match the scientist name to the following statements.
1) Schwann D) The scientist who concluded that all animals are composed of cells 2) Hooke C) Scientist who observed that cork was composed of tiny hollow boxes that he called cells

3 Schleiden E) The scientist who concluded that all plants are composed of cells Van Leewenhoek A) The first scientist to describe living cells as seen through a primitive microscope Virchow B) All cells come from pre-existing cells

4 3) all cells but bacteria
Eukaryotic V. Prokaryotic cells List characteristics of each type of cell: Eukaryotic Cells 1) has nucleus 2) has organelles 3) all cells but bacteria

5 Prokaryotic Cells no nucleus 2) no organelles (except ribosomes) 3) bacteria

Organization in multicellular organisms: List the levels of organization starting with the individual cell and ending with the whole organism CELL > TISSUE > ORGAN > ORGAN SYSTEM > ORGANISM.

7 3) Also – Large centrally located vacuole
Organelles of plant and animal cells: Which organelles are found in plant cells but not animal cells? 1) CELL WALL 2) CHLOROPLAST 3) Also – Large centrally located vacuole Which organelle is found in animal cells? CENTRIOLES

cellular framework found within the cytoplasm composed of microtubules and microfilaments. CYTOSKELETON 2) responsible for ATP production. MITOCHONDRION 3) the flexible boundary between the cell and its environment; allows materials such as water and nutrients to enter the cell, and allow wastes to leave. CELL MEMBRANE

9 4) the rigid structure located outside the plasma membrane of plants that provide support and protection for the cell. CELL WALL 5) is the structure that contains DNA. NUCLEUS 6) the organelle that makes sugar through photosynthesis. CHLOROPLAST

10 7. _____________ is the organelle that assembles cell membrane components (It also moves materials through the cell. Endoplasmic reticulum 8. ______________ are chlorophyll-containing organelles found in cells of green plants. They are the location of photosynthesis reactions that produce sugars. Chloroplasts

11 9) is the structure that stores substances such as wastes, carbohydrates, salts, protein, and water.
VACUOLE 10) is the process by which water molecules diffuse across a cell membrane from an area of high to low concentration. OSMOSIS


13 Homeostasis and Transport
Diffusion occurs until ______________is reached. EQUILIBRIUM The concentration is the ________ throughout. SAME There are two ways materials enter the cell: ________ transport which requires no energy from the cell, PASSIVE and _________ transport which does require energy from the cell. ACTIVE

14 If a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution,
it ________. Water moves into the cell. SWELLS

15 If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution,
it ________. Water moves out of the cell. SHRINKS

16 If a cell is placed in an isotonic _solution,
it stays the________. SAME

17 MORE TERMS TO KNOW: the pressure that water molecules exert against the cell wall. TURGOR 2) occurs when cell cytoplasm shrinks away from cell walls and turgor pressure is lost. PLASMOLYSIS 3) occurs when a cell bursts. CYTOLYSIS

18 4) bind to the molecule it transports.
CARRIER PROTEINS 5) the process in which materials are ingested into the cell. ENDOCYTOSIS 6) the reverse of endocytosis. EXOCYTOSIS

19 7) the transport of larger particles, or ingestion of whole cells (“cell-eating”).
PHAGOCYTOSIS 8) the transport of solutes in fluids (“cell- drinking”) PINOCYTOSIS

20 Cell Theory All living things are composed of one or more cells.
All cells come from other cells. Cells are the basic unit of life.

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