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District Meeting #3 2008-09 East Bay BTSA Induction Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "District Meeting #3 2008-09 East Bay BTSA Induction Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Meeting #3 2008-09 East Bay BTSA Induction Consortium

2 Where Are You in the Inquiry Process? Please write your name on a Post it and place it on the chart that best represents your progress in the Inquiry process

3 Table Talk Discuss: What are you learning about your students? Your teaching? What types of research are you doing in your Action Plan? How are you applying what you are learning?

4 What Questions Do You Have? About the Inquiry process? About the completion requirements? About timelines? About anything else?

5 Session Outcomes Check in on the Inquiry process “Other” items on Inquiry folders Review Steps 5 and 6 Review process Mid Year Survey information

6 INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection IIPIIP Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Step Six Documents: E-2.1 CSTP Self Assessment E-2.2 Std. Self-Assessment E-3 Reflective Conversation IIP Cells 1-10 Step Six: Reflection and Application Step Five Document: C8: Summative Assessment Step Five: Summative Assessment Step Four Documents: Review: C2, C4, C5 C6,a,b,c: Observation C7: Student Work Analysis IIP: Cells 5-8 Step Four: Observation Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step Two Document: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan Step One: Inquiry Focus

7 “Other” Items for Completion Not EVERYTHING can be demonstrated through the FACT documents The remaining few items are listed as “other” on your Inquiry folders. Electronic copies:

8 Inquiry Folders Please take out your Inquiry folder

9 Year One “Other” Items Review and Discuss #16 - Technology Resource List #17 - District Technology Policy

10 Year One “Other” Items Review and Discuss #18 – Completed collaboration Log #19 – Sample of Effective Communication

11 Year One “Other” Items Review and discuss #20 – Checking My Systems for Equity #21 – PD Log and Rationale

12 Technology Enhanced Lesson Review the Technology Matrix Discuss what type of technology you might use as part of your inquiry process.

13 Year Two “Other” Items Review and Discuss #16 – Verification of Participation in an IEP #17 – Completed Collaboration Log

14 Year Two Review and Discuss #18 – Technology Resource List #19 – District Technology Policy #20 – PD Log and Rationale

15 Statewide Survey Survey window: April 15 to May 15 More information at FACT Dist. #4

16 Submitting and Reviewing Inquiry Folders District timeline Year End Check Inquiry folder collection Process Follow up

17 What Else? Session Evaluation

18 Technology Resource List Typed, titled list (include item #) Include what technology is available to you in the classroom and at the site.

19 District Technology Policy Developed by the district and distributed to all employees and parents. Explains expectations and requirements about the use of technology. You need to know what is in the policy. Read and review it, how does it apply to you?

20 Equity Collaboration Log Designed to help the PT review the variety of ways they communicate in order to identify areas for improvement. One item of evidence is needed for each type of communication (students, colleagues, resource personnel, families) Log dates (min. 1 per group) can be just for the 1 piece of evidence or can reflect how often you use that resource (weekly, monthly, etc.)

21 Sample Effective Communication Deepens the discussion between PT and SP about communication strategies with hard to reach families. Designed to surface challenges and areas for growth Reflection can be bulleted notes, similar to A-7 Conversation Guides

22 Checking My Equity Systems A self-assessment tool designed to help PT to reflect on their practice. Review directions. Reflection can be attached or at the bottom of the page. Reflection can be bulleted as with A-7 Conversation Guides.

23 Collaboration Log – Special Populations For one of your Focus Students with: (IEP, 504 Plan, GATE, etc.) Designed to capture collaboration between classroom teacher and Special education program. For GATE – if no site/district personnel provide support – “X” out back side.

24 Verification of Participation in IEP/SST All PTs must demonstrate Verification doesn’t need to by for your Focus Student If you attended a meeting earlier this year, you can use that meeting for verification. Be sure to black out student names

25 District Policy for English Learners District policy spells out how services are provided at each grade level and what adopted materials are to be used. PTs need to review the information to be sure they understand the “Big Picture” of the District’s system of support. Review and discuss how it looks at your site. Is it working?

26 Site/District EL Contact Depending on how services are provided, there may be site personnel and/or district personnel who monitor and support the EL program. PTs need to know who to contact at the district and site level for information about things like: CELDT testing, re-designation, Clustering, support materials and resources, testing, etc. Type a list or attach a copy of provided lists. Be sure to include your name and the item #

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