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English I Week August 24, 2015 2 nd semester Lecture 25.

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Presentation on theme: "English I Week August 24, 2015 2 nd semester Lecture 25."— Presentation transcript:

1 English I Week August 24, 2015 2 nd semester Lecture 25

2 Aims: to introduce compound nouns and adjectives to Introduce abbreviations and Acronyms (locals and internationals) to improve reading and translation skills

3 Read the texts and identify compound nouns, abbreviations and acronyms Asking for Email Address Email is a daily part of the office life. Everybody and every company uses email as a way to communicate quickly. The bookseller sent an email to our boss saying that he could not come because he had headache and he had no driving-license.

4 Text continues This happened in the new-year, in an iced-cold weather. This lesson will cover all aspects of using emails. "Can I have your email address?" "What is your email address?" "Do you have an email account?"

5 Text continues "My email address is someone at hotmail dot com (" "It is” "Do you have his email address?" "What was her email address again?"

6 Text Continues However, nobody sent an email to the United Nations (UN) headquarters or the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Mr John and Dr Peter also forgot to email the secretary of European Union (EU).

7 Text Continues People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and National Liberation Front of Angola(FNLA) sent an email dealing with issues related to the peace accord.

8 Translate into Portuguese Translate into Portuguese The prince says (that) I have to find the owner of this shoe. A girl lost it at the ball last night. When he finds her, the prince will marry her. The lucky girl will be a princess. Will you try it on ladies? A: It must be mine! Give it to me! Look! It’s exactly my size!

9 Text continues B: You must be mad! It can’t be your shoe. Your feet are enormous, and this shoe is small and delicate, just like my feet. C: You guys are grown-ups stop that! You won’t have boyfriends if you behave like kids.

10 Definition acronyms of Abbreviations and What is an acronym? It is a word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term (Merriam- What´s an abbreviation? - It is a shortened form of a word or name that is used in place of the full word or name (

11 Translate into English Natal é altura do ano em que compramos presentes para as nossas famílias. Os homens compram vestidos e perfumes para as suas mulheres. As mulheres compram camisas e relógios para os maridos. Os pais compram bicicletas, jogos de computadores, rádios e DVDs aos filhos. Também compramos comida. As pessoas compram comida habitual, tal como batatas, tomates e pão, mas também compram comida especial, tal como chocolates e bacalhau. Na noite de Natal as prateleiras dos supermercados ficam quase vazias.

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