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How is Heat Produced? Have you ever wondered what makes your ice cream melt on a hot, sunny day?

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Presentation on theme: "How is Heat Produced? Have you ever wondered what makes your ice cream melt on a hot, sunny day?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How is Heat Produced? Have you ever wondered what makes your ice cream melt on a hot, sunny day?

2 Everything around you is made up of matter
Everything around you is made up of matter. Your shoes, your desk, your pencil, even ice cream. All matter is made up of tiny particles that are too small for us to see. These particles are always moving. The energy of these moving particles is called “thermal energy”.

3 The faster the particles move, the more “thermal energy” is created
The faster the particles move, the more “thermal energy” is created. We feel the energy as heat. Heat is felt as “thermal energy” flows from warmer objects to cooler objects. We sometimes call this “heat energy”.

4 Mixing Different Kinds of Matter
So now you are probably asking yourself the big question. How is heat created? The sun’s energy Friction Electricity Burning Mixing Different Kinds of Matter

5 THE SUN’S ENERGY The sun is a natural source of heat. During the summer months when the sun is closest to our portion of the earth we feel the sun’s energy at its hottest. Although the sun is a source of heat, we cannot “produce” heat from the sun. However we can collect heat from the sun using solar panels.

6 FRICTION Friction is produced when two objects rub against each other with force. Have you ever rubbed your hands together on a cold winter day to warm them up? By rubbing your hands together really fast you are creating friction which generates heat.

7 BURNING Burning is another way heat is produced. Have you ever been camping and stood by a roaring camp fire? If you have you instantly feel warmer. Burning fuels, such as wood, creates heat when the matter changes from one form to another.

Mixing different kinds of matter is another way heat is produced. Have you ever seen a commercial on TV where someone with a back ache applies a small patch that delivers heat to their aching back? Inside the pouch are chemicals that when mixed together creates heat. This is also referred to as a chemical reaction.

9 ELECTRICITY Heat can also be produced through electricity. Have you every placed a piece of bread in a toaster? When it pops up and you reach to grab it, the toast is hot to the touch. Electricity moves though the toaster causing the break to cook (toast). This electricity produces heat.

10 Can you identify sources of heat?
Electricity The Sun Mixing Matter Friction Burning

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