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RTI & PLC’S The Catalyst for Achievement for All.

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Presentation on theme: "RTI & PLC’S The Catalyst for Achievement for All."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTI & PLC’S The Catalyst for Achievement for All

2 Goals- Strengthen Instruction Student Learning Outcomes Improve Student Learning Supports  Expected Outcome- To ensure the highest levels of student achievement through the utilization of the RTI Service Delivery model and PLC’s.

3  Sept. 27 th Presentation to Administrators  Review of what RTI is  Pre-assess group  Identify tiers and practical examples of each  What is the connection to PLC’s?

4  Where are we going?  The direction for achieving the goals and the expected outcome will be driven by the work plan.  The sooner we can show people an aspect of where we are heading the more confident the system becomes.  Focusses the work of everyone.

5 Work Plan to meet the goal  Strengthen Core Instruction in all schools  Review and Make meaning of Curriculum Review UBD template practicality (Oct, 2012). Unpack UBD with Central Office, In-School admin. and coaches (Nov, 2012) Admin. Unpack UBD with staff (April/May, 2013) One curriculum unpacked utilizing this process (June, 2014)  Review and build capacity in the areas of assessment and instruction  Monthly Module based PD for Central Office, in-school lead team (May, 2013- June, 2015)  Lead team builds capacity of their staff with accountability mechanism(Sept. 2013- June, 2015)

6  Review and Build Administrative capacity in the area of teacher supervision  Examine and Clarify in-school administrator role in teacher supervision (April-June 2013) Support and accountability for RTI (DI, Assessment & PLC’s) SPDU Teacher Supervision (Sept. 2013) SPDU Administrative Modules (2013-15) Crucial Conversation Training (Nov. 2013) Cognitive Coaching (Sept. 2014)

7  Review and Align Human Resources to the goals  Review roles of Superintendents, Coordinators & Coaches (Jan-Apr. 2013)  Explore the re-alignment of school level staff (Jan.- April- 2013)  Collaborative/consultative utilization of PSP’s  Ensure best practice and utilization Move away from clinical to collaborative (Jan. 2013- June 2015)  Review and actualize Inclusive Education (2014-15)

8  Establish System Data collection (WHERE ARE WE?) in areas of focus (Baseline- May 2013, Midpoint- Jan. 14, Target and adjustments May, 14)  Establish Accountability and reporting mechanism- Teachers, Principal, Central office, Board (2013-14)

9  Systems and process for RTI  Define RTI Team and their purpose (Nov. 2012) Each school will have established an RTI team (Sept. 2013) SMART goals will be established for all tier 2 and 3 students (Sept. 2013) Establish what current assessments we utilize and review (Jan. - May 2013) Establish a Universal screen & Data Tracking tool (2013- 14)

10 Review and recommend Research proven interventions for RTI Teams (2013-14) Establish a standardized report card that Aligns with Curriculum (2013-14) Review and Establishment of a consistent system’s grading scale (2013-14) Recommendation of a Division student reporting and assessment tech. platform (2013-14) Referral Process for Tier 2 & 3 (Sept. 2013) Rubric- competencies of high achieving schools co-constructed and monitored for each school(June, 2013) Establishment of Learning Style Inventories, Learner Profiles, Student Led conferences (2014-15) Communicate service delivery model with agencies. Clarify what we do, what they do, and where are the gaps. (2013-14)

11  Provide PD around Data interpretation in PLC’s (March, 2013)  Baseline/Target  Exemplar of a high functioning PLC (March, 2013)  Criteria required to be an effective PLC (March, 2013)  Explore data management warehouse- (ie. Skovision/Skopus: Dashboards or traffic lights) (2013-14)

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