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Georgia Habitat Jeopardy

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1 Georgia Habitat Jeopardy
Third Grade

2 L E A R N 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt
Eleanor M. Savko L E A 4/27/2017 R N 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

3 This is an area where an organism lives.
“L” 5-pt question

4 habitat “L” 5-pt answer

5 The shape of a bird’s beak is an example of this.
“L” 10-pt question

6 adaptation “L” 10-pt answer

7 What is the Georgia region that has low mountains and is covered with trees?
“L” 15-pt question

8 Blue Ridge “L” 15-pt answer

9 What is the number one reason for an organism to become endangered?
“L” 20-pt question

10 Habitat Destruction. “L” 20-pt answer

11 What are all FIVE geographic regions of Georgia?
“L” 25-pt question

12 Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain
“L” 25-pt answer

13 Animals with backbones are called
“E” 5-pt question

14 vertebrates “E” 5-pt answer

15 Plants and animals have different adaptations that help them __________ in a particular habitat.
“E” 10-pt question

16 survive “E” 10-pt answer

17 This is an example of a pond plant that has no roots and gets its nutrients from the water around it. “E” 15-pt question

18 duckweed “E” 15-pt answer

19 This is the Georgia region that has flat land with few hills.
“E” 20-pt question

20 Coastal Plain “E” 20-pt answer

21 Give two details to describe a forest habitat.
“E” 25-pt question

22 Four Layers of a forest: emergent, canopy, understory, forest floor
Consists of deciduous trees, pine trees and many bushes, shrubs and flowers Home to many animals such as birds foxes and squirrels “E” 25-pt answer

23 These animals do not have a backbone.
“A” 5-pt question

24 Invertebrates “A” 5-pt answer

25 This area of Georgia has gently rolling hills and the land is
well- watered. “A” 10-pt question

26 Piedmont “A” 10-pt answer

27 These animals have scales, are cold blooded and lay eggs.
“A” 15-pt question

28 Reptiles “A” 15-pt answer

29 When a habitat can no longer provide an organism’s needs, what three things can happen to that organism? “A” 20-pt question

30 move (migrate), adapt, die
“A” 20-pt answer

31 Describe two details of a swamp habitat.
“A” 25-pt question

32 Ground is covered with a layer of water
Trees are anchored in mud under water Home to many animals such as alligators, muskrats, and snakes “A” 25-pt answer

33 These animals have wings, beaks and feathers
“R” 5-pt question

34 Birds “R” 5-pt answer

35 This Georgia region has low mountains separated by ridges of sandstone rock
“R” 10-pt question

36 Ridge and Valley “R” 10-pt answer

37 There are five major geographic regions in Georgia
There are five major geographic regions in Georgia. We live in the _____ region. “R” 15-pt question

38 Piedmont “R” 15-pt answer

39 What are four things that an organism needs to survive in its habitat?
“R” 20-pt question

40 Food, water, shelter and space
“R” 20-pt answer

41 Describe two details of the mountain habitat
“R” 25-pt question

42 Tall landforms surrounded by valleys Located in northern GA
Weather is colder at higher elevation Animals: bears, bobcats, etc. “R” 25-pt answer

43 Animals who are warm blooded, have fur or hair and give birth to live offspring are called this.
“N” 5-pt question

44 mammals “N” 5-pt answer

45 Some animals use this to disguise themselves and hide from predators in their habitat.
“N” 10-pt question

46 camouflage “N” 10-pt answer

47 This Georgia region has flat land with narrow valleys.
“N” 15-pt question

48 Appalachian Plateau “N” 15-pt answer

49 Animals with smooth, wet skin that spend half their lives in the water and half out of the water are called: “N” 20-pt question

50 Amphibians “N” 20-pt answer

51 Describe two details about the grasslands habitat:
“N” 25-pt question

52 Flat land with tall or short grasses Sparse or few trees
Animals: rabbits, owls, deer, foxes, coyotes “N” 25-pt answer

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