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Presentation on theme: "FEBRUARY 9, 2016 FIRST TIME IN DUAL CREDIT PARENT MEETING."— Presentation transcript:


2 IMPORTANT NOTES FOR PARENTS: Students are required to attend a dual credit meeting to enroll (see slide # 29). Mrs. Phelan will walk your students through the entire process with instruction handouts at every step of the way. Please contact Mrs. Phelan with any questions about the process after your student has attended one of the mandatory meetings. THANK YOU!!

3 WHAT IS DUAL CREDIT? A process by which a high school junior or senior enrolls in a college course and receives simultaneous credit for the course from both the college and their high school. Grades are posted on two different transcripts, at the same time! Benefits: Saves money because tuition is waived Head start on college credit No travel time to a college campus Become a LSC student who can take advantage of the LSC library and wellness center (The Dual Credit process starts with about 500+ interested students. Currently about 340 enrolled students. )

4 IMPORTANT DC GUIDELINES Students must request course with high school and apply to Lone Star College – Tomball (not University Park). Students must qualify for college level with test scores. Be aware that different courses may have different requirements. High school and college deadlines must be met. DC semester average of “C” or better is required to continue in the program (70 or better for TISD). All DC courses must be taken at the high school.

5 GUIDELINES, CONT. A notarized FERPA form is required to be on file with Lone Star College. Students are responsible for the purchase of their textbooks. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware whether the college course will transfer to his/her college of choice and for their major. Be aware of Texas public university rules regarding taking excessive college hours toward a degree.

6 STATE REGULATIONS FOR DUAL CREDIT Students must be juniors and seniors Overload Requests (previous rule) – students must complete and Overload request when requesting more than two courses per semester School districts and community college are in the process of updating their agreements since the law has changed.


8 ENGLISH & SOCIAL STUDIES DUAL CREDIT CLASSES OFFERED High School Course Name Fall (college credit hours) Spring (college credit hours) English IIIENGL 1301(3)ENGL 1302 3) US HistoryHIST 1301 (3)HIST 1302 (3) English IVENGL 1301 (3)ENGL 1302 (3) English IVENGL 2322 (3)ENGL 2323 (3) GovernmentGOV 2305 (3) ** The number of credit hours is requested when applying to college.**

9 MATH & SCIENCE DUAL CREDIT CLASSES OFFERED High Course NameFall (college credit hours) Spring (college credit hours) College AlgebraMATH 1314 (3) Calculus I ABMATH 2413 (4) StatisticsMATH 1342 (3) Biology IIBIOL 1406 (4)BIOL 1407 (4) Anatomy & Phys.BIOL 2401 (4) Chemistry IICHEM 1411 (4)

10 4 STEPS TO DUAL CREDIT 1.Apply on-line to LSC-Tomball 2.Testing/Placement (Qualify) 3.Register for Classes 4.Pay your fees Let’s take a closer look!

11 STEP 1: COMPLETE THE ON-LINE APPLICATION Keep a record of : LSC ID number Username Password Meningitis Vaccination NOT required for Dual Credit students

12 1(866)614-5014 LSC HELP DESK

13 HELP IN COLLEGE & CAREER CENTER Get help with your LSC Application on most days. Check with Mrs. Phelan on that day or before for availability. During lunch – bring your lunch Before school – 7:15 AM After school – 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM

14 PRE-ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY Required for students who do not qualify with SAT/ACT scores Access the link on your MyLoneStar homepage in the blue box on the Applicant tab. Short video and practice questions required for all students taking the TSI-Assessment Activity must be completed PRIOR to receiving a testing ticket. Step 1 should be completed by March 1 st after attending a Mandatory Student Meeting. Testing tickets will be given to those who have completed Step 1on March 3 rd.

15 STEP 2: TESTING/PLACEMENT Refer to Dual Credit Placement Scores Chart Students requesting to take English and Social Studies DC courses must meet minimum Reading and Writing scores. Students requesting only Math DC courses must meet minimum SAT/ACT composite and math scores OR test on the math portion of the TSI only. Students requesting only Science courses must meet minimum Reading, Writing, and Math scores. Additional requirements for Calculus PSAT scores may not be used to qualify students for DC this year.

16 STEP 2: TESTING/PLACEMENT CONT. TSI TESTING – required for students who do not meet minimum SAT/ACT scores TSI Test Prep Testing fee waived for first time DC students taking the TSI $10 per section to retest Make a reservation to test at LSC Tomball The testing link will be available soon. Stick to your appointment time!

17 WHERE DO I TEST? Testing tickets will be distributed at lunch on March 3rd OR students can go to Enrollment Services at LSC-Tomball Report to the LSC-Tomball Assessment Center (2 nd floor of the library) Picture ID Testing Ticket If retesting, payment receipt from Bursar’s/Cashier’s Office. Be sure to check office hours. Submit your qualifying test scores to Mrs. Phelan by April 11 th. TEST EARLY!! Don’t procrastinate!

18 LSC - TOMBALL ASSESSMENT CENTER **Closed the week of spring break!** Make sure to allow for at least 4 hours to test LSC-Tomball LSC-Tomball Room L201 832-559-4245 Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday: CLOSED

19 IF EXEMPT FROM TSI… Complete the on-line application and bring the following to Mrs. Phelan BEFORE March 1st Course Request Form with LSC ID Copy of qualifying test scores Students will then be given their LSC Registration Packet.

20 STEP 3: REGISTERING FOR CLASSES Submit qualifying test scores by April 11 th. At this time students will be given their Registration Packet. What’s in the Registration Packet? TMHS Dual Credit Guidelines (student & parent sign) FERPA Form (Authorization to Release Education Records) Overload Request Forms?? (TBD) **Return the Registration Packet to Mrs. Phelan by April 15 th **

21 MAY 2 ND DEADLINE Students must be qualified for ALL dual credit courses by this date Students must be registered for FALL courses by this date MAY 2, 2016 NO EXCEPTIONS! Registration for Spring 2017 courses will occur in November 2016– dates for registration & payment TBA in fall of 2016

22 TAKING MORE THAN 2 DUAL CREDIT COURSES Students taking more that TWO dual credit courses in a semester MUST submit the following. Overload Request Form Letter of Recommendation from a current DC teacher Copy of your current high school transcript

23 STEP 4: PAYMENT OF FEES Payment for Fall 2015 is DUE by June 1, 2016 Students are responsible for the fees portion of your Dual Credit courses. All tuition is waived. About mid May, you may log in to your MyLoneStar account to make payment. There will be a link to submit payment on the “Student” tab in the center of the page. Students may also visit the Bursar’s/Cashier’s Office at LSC-Tomball to pay in person if preferred. Don’t pay more than you should! I will give students payment guidelines once they are registered.

24 DATES March 1 st – submit Course Request Form with LSC ID and complete Pre-Assessment Activity if no qualifying SAT/ACT scores March 4 th - Testing tickets distributed at lunch April 11 th – Submit qualifying test scores and receive registration packet April 22 nd – return registration packet June 1 st – deadline to pay for fall courses Students must be qualified AND registered for FALL DC courses by May 2 nd - NO EXCEPTIONS!

25 STICK TO THE DEADLINES The dates given are to help the students stay on track. Missing the deadlines doesn’t mean students can’t do dual credit, BUT it does mean that they will need to go to LSC- Tomball to complete many of the steps THERE IS NO EXCEPTION TO THE MAY 2nd DEADLINE

26 DROPPING DUAL CREDIT COURSES To drop a course, the student is responsible to know the LSC policies Students must drop the course with TMHS and LSC prior to the official “W” (withdraw) day for the appropriate semester. YOU MUST DROP THE COURSE ON BOTH CAMPUSES!

27 COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER WEB PAGE Dual Credit section Plus MUCH more!




31 Both can earn college credit Colleges can award a student credit based on AP exams in May. The student must be enrolled in the college before credit is awarded. Lone Star College awards college credit on a transcript at the end of the semester the student is enrolled in the college course. Both give 15 quality points per semester toward high school GPA The TISD Course Description Book provides course descriptions and requirements. ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) OR DUAL CREDIT (DC) 31

32 AP courses are open enrollment. Expectation is that all students take the AP exam during the first two weeks of May. Students are required to pay for each AP exam taken ($95 per test) ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) 32

33 College credit is based on AP exam scores. Scores range from 1 to 5. Passing scores range is from 3 to 5. Most colleges require a 3 or higher. Check with each college for required passing score. Quality points for the spring semester will be awarded only if the student takes the AP exam. Students earning below a 70 for the semester in any AP course may be removed for the spring semester. MORE ADVANCED PLACEMENT 33

34 Able to work at a higher level of rigor and faster pace of a university course Above grade level in reading, and the specific area of the AP course Above grade level in writing skills, especially for English and Social Studies courses Interests match courses in the areas the student wants to pursue as a career PROFILE OF THE STUDENT WHO SHOULD TAKE AN AP COURSE 34

35 Student dually enrolled in TMHS and Lone Star College Courses taken on TMHS campus Student is responsible for course(s) tuition, textbook, and fees Grade and credit posted on both high school and college transcripts Credits generally accepted by Texas state colleges and universities. Check with each college/university for credit transfer details. DUAL CREDIT (DC) 35

36 Professes interest in subject selected Research what colleges are accepting and requiring, as well as degree requirements Research the expectations/work load of each course Don’t overextend yourself! Carefully consider time commitment and be able to balance academic load with extracurricular activities, family life, or outside commitments. MAKING AN INFORMED DECISION: AP VS. DC 36

37 Is the student self motivated? Does the student persevere when faced with challenging material? Does the student plan and work ahead on long term projects? Talk to current subject teacher in courses considering AP or DC. Talk to your counselor. INFORMED DECISION 37

38 Transfer Course Equivalency For Texas Schools: Search university’s website for AP scores needed to obtain college credit creditandplacement/search-credit- policies creditandplacement/search-credit- policies CHECK WITH UNIVERSITIES 38



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