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Personality and Consumer Behavior

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1 Personality and Consumer Behavior

2 Visit:
Let’s Try what is your personality… Visit: What did it say about your personality?

3 Personality can be defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment

4 The Nature of Personality
Personality reflects individual differences Personality is consistent and enduring Personality can change

5 Theories of Personality
Freudian Theory: Id, Superego and Ego Neo-Freudian: social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development personality Trait Theory: consumer innovativeness; consumer materialism; consumer ethnocentrism

6 Can you match the personality with the picture?
Pragmatism Chlorines Sanguine Melancholic

7 Here is the detail

8 The Depth of Personality
Manners -- Behavior -- Character -- Personality -- Individuality

9 Manners -- Superficial, external forms of formalized response, a subset of social or interpersonal skills. Behavior -- The capacity of a person for directed activities based on conscious understanding and intensity. Character -- The fixed attributes reflecting values that have become fully organized, internalized, fixed and subconscious. Personality -- The capacity for expansive or creative initiative that transcend the limitations imposed by character, society or personal experience. Individuality -- A center of uniqueness, quite independent of social conditioning, personal experience and character.

10 Brand Personality Brand Personification Product personality and gender
Product personality and geography Personality and color

11 Discussions How do your clothing preferences differ from those of your friends? What personality traits might explain why your preferences are different from those of other people? Find three print ad advertisements based on Freudian personality theory. Discuss how Freudian concepts are used in these ads. Do any of the ads personify brand? If so how?

12 Find one personality theory except those 3 previous theories and explain its dimensions then linkage that theory to one applied marketing program

13 Consumer Innovativeness and related personality traits
Dogmatism Social Character Need for Uniqueness Optimum Stimulation Level Sensation Seeking Variety-Novelty Seeking

14 Self and Self Images Actual Self-image (how consumers see themselves)
Ideal Self-image (how consumer would like see themselves) Social Self-image (how consumer feels other see them) Ideal Social Self-image (how consumer would like others to see them)

15 Thank You…

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