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Animal Adaptations. Which technique is the moth caterpillar using?

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Adaptations. Which technique is the moth caterpillar using?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Adaptations

2 Which technique is the moth caterpillar using?

3 mimicry (trying to look like a snake to ward off predators)

4 Which technique is the katiydid using?

5 camouflage (trying to blend in with the leaves )

6 What is camouflage and how does it help animals?

7 Camouflage is an adaptation some animals use as protection from predators. An animal that uses camouflage looks like things in its environment. It might look like a leaf, a twig, or a rock.

8 A behavior that comes natural to an animal; it is born with the ability to do it. Example: salmon swimming upstream, a person sneezing

9 instinct

10 A behavior that an organism must be taught. Examples: bear cubs learning how to hunt, a dog learning to sit

11 learned

12 What is mimicry and how does it help animals?

13 Mimicry is an adaptation some animals use as protection from predators. Animals that use mimicry use colors and markings to look like another animal.

14 This means to pass the winter in a resting state. This occurs when an animal remains inactive to save energy through the harsh winter.

15 hibernation

16 Animals travel to other places where the weather is warmer or they can find food.

17 migrate

18 What are the basic needs of animals

19 food, water, air and shelter

20 What are some types of shelter?

21 rock caves dens ground homes tree homes nests hives barns webs water homes houses

22 What are some types of food?

23 Some animals eat plants, some eat meat, and others eat both plants and meat.

24 No animal can survive without this; it is another word for oxygen

25 air: one of the basic needs of animals

26 a beaver building a dam

27 instinctive behavior

28 Is this a syphrid fly or a bee? Which technique is he using to hide from his predators?

29 mimicry trying to look something it isn’t

30 This mother black bear is teaching her cub how to hunt. Which type of behavior is this?

31 learned behavior

32 This jumping spider is actually acting like an ant to hunt ants. Which technique is it using to get its food?

33 mimicry (trying to look something it isn’t )

34 Salmon swimming upstream. Which type of behavior is this?

35 instinctive behavior

36 This anole is hiding in the leaves. Which technique is he using to hide from his predators ?

37 camouflage (trying to blend in with the leaves)

38 This female goose is rolling her egg back into her nest. Which type of behavior is this?

39 instinctive behavior

40 Can you find the flounder on the sea floor? Which technique is he using to hide from his predators?

41 camouflage (trying to blend in)

42 Which is the poisonous snake? Which technique is the scarlet king snake using to hide from his predators?

43 mimicry (trying to look something it isn’t )

44 a spider spinning a web What kind of behavior is this?

45 instinctive behavior

46 This dormouse is hibernating through the winter. This is an example of which type of adaptation?

47 behavioral adaptation

48 This fiddler crab is digging a burrow. Which type of behavior is this?

49 instinctive behavior

50 A giraffe has a long neck to reach the upper tasty leaves. This is an example of which type of adaptation?

51 physical adaptation

52 A snail is retreating into its shell during dry weather. Which type of behavior is this?

53 instinctive behavior

54 Its yellow color helps this crab spider to hide while it hunts. Which technique is it using to get its food?

55 camouflage (trying to blend in)

56 baby loggerhead turtles head out to sea after hatching Which type of behavior is this?

57 instinctive behavior

58 A squirrel is hiding collected nuts to store for the winter. This is an example of which type of adaptation?

59 behavioral adaptation

60 This anole is hiding in the leaves. Which technique is he using to hide from his predators?

61 camouflage (trying to blend in)

62 A opposum is playing dead to avoid being eaten. This is an example of which type of adaptation?

63 behavioral adaptation

64 The Viceroy butterfly is mimicking the Monarch butterfly. This is an example of which type of adaptation?

65 physical adaptation

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