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Lenin 1917-1922. Democratic Centralism The idea the all decision making actually comes from a small group of Communist party elite. Is this Marx and Engel’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Lenin 1917-1922. Democratic Centralism The idea the all decision making actually comes from a small group of Communist party elite. Is this Marx and Engel’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lenin 1917-1922

2 Democratic Centralism The idea the all decision making actually comes from a small group of Communist party elite. Is this Marx and Engel’s idea of Communism? Why?

3 Stalin 1922-1953

4 Josef Stalin Gained power after Lenin’s death. Advocated “socialism in one country” and emphasized industrialization. Used coercive powers of the state to implement his social and economic changes (many Russians directly or indirectly killed). Led the USSR during WW2 and controlled the Soviet block during the beginning of the Cold War era.

5 Khrushchev 1953-1964

6 Nikita Khrushchev Emerged as the top Soviet after a serous intra party struggle. Denounced the excesses of Stalin in his so called “Secret Speech” in 1956. Relaxed (a bit) Stalin totalitarian control of society. Supported and spread Communism into Eastern Europe. Provoked the Cuban missile crisis with USA.

7 Brezhnev 1964-1982

8 Leonid Brezhnev Helped force Khrushchev from power. Emphasized stability in policy and leadership during his reign in power. However this was also a period where there was a serious lack of innovation and noticeable aging of the Communist leadership. Continued to build up military. Ordered the invasion of Afghanistan – Uh ohh!

9 Andropov 1982-1984

10 Andropov I am old I died shortly after taking office.

11 Chernenko 1984-1985

12 Chernenko I am old I died shortly after taking office.

13 Gorbachev 1985-1991

14 Mikhail Gorbachev He was a Communist!!!! Looked to reform a “dying” system. Glasnost – political openness! Perestroika – economic openness! Allowed democratic reforms in Eastern Europe and withdrew Soviet troops. Lost power in a coup attempt that led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

15 Yeltsin Russian Federation

16 Boris Yeltsin Elected President of Russia which was then part of the USSR. Leader of those advocating faster reforms. Stood up to hardliners attempting a coup against Gorbachev. Negotiated the dissolution of USSR. Was President of the Russian Federation during chaotic period of economic and political reforms.

17 Putin Russian Federation


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