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UNIT 1 CITIZENSHIP. Citizenship A. What is a citizen? Civics?

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2 Citizenship A. What is a citizen? Civics?

3 Citizenship B. Qualities? 1.Duties (have to) a.Obey law b.Attend school c.Pay taxes d.Serve in armed forces e.Appear in court

4 Citizenship B. Qualities? 2.Responsibilities (should do) a.Vote (best way we voice our opinion) b.Being informed c.Take part in government d.Help your community e. Respect others and their rights

5 Citizenship C. How to become a citizen? 1. Native-born a.Parents are citizens b.Parents are under U.S. authority 2.Naturalization 3.Live in US for 5 years & speak Eng. a.Declaration of intention b.Petition for naturalization c.Petition witnessed d.Examination e.oath

6 Citizenship D. Good citizenship at 1.Home a.Consider others view points b.Respect others rights c.Be interested in others activities d.Share problems and items of interest

7 Citizenship 2. School a.Learn to work with others b.Take part in class work c.Take advantage of opportunity to learn d.Take part in extracurricular activities

8 Citizenship 3. Community a.Take part in activities recreation b.Respect the rights of others c.Volunteer (community improvements, fire, rescue squad, charities)

9 Citizenship I. Volunteers A.Costs and benefits 1.Provides services government doesn’t 2.Provides services communities cannot afford 3.Saves tax money and tax hikes 4.Promotes citizenship by allowing citizens to become involved

10 Citizenship II. Role of government A.What is government? Power/authority that rules on behalf of people B.Types of government 1.Absolute monarchy (by birth); King or Queen 2.Dictatorship (by force); ex. Hitler or Saddam 3.Democracy (by the people) Direct, representative or republic

11 Citizenship C. Why do we need government 1.Makes it possible to live together without anarchy 2.Performs or provides many services 3.Provides rules and laws 4.Enables ideals to be put into practice Liberty, freedom, pursuit of happiness

12 Citizenship III. Need for laws A.Guide people B.Protect people C.Prevent Anarchy

13 Citizenship IV. Methods of informing citizens of laws A.Mass media (TV, radio, newspapers, internet) B.Schools C.Appropriate agencies

14 Citizenship V. Consequences of obeying or not obeying laws A.Obeying 1.Allows people to interact 2.Promotes personal safety 3.Provides organization 4.Allows society to function

15 Citizenship B.Not obeying 1.Prison 2.Personal harm 3.Increase taxes 4.Increase in price of store items 5.Increase in insurance 6.Privileges taken away

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